Just out of curiosity, how many ozbargainers here play MTG? How do you reconcile being an ozbargainer with an expensive hobby?
MTG is Magic the Gathering by the way.
MOD: Move to Gaming forum.
Just out of curiosity, how many ozbargainers here play MTG? How do you reconcile being an ozbargainer with an expensive hobby?
MTG is Magic the Gathering by the way.
MOD: Move to Gaming forum.
I have tastes in both… My bank account is non-existent.
been playing it for years but go to a point where it got to expensive.
if anyone is interested im happy to sell my old decks
Glad to see a MTG post, I was playing it in Malaysia, and actually won a regional / state title on a type 2 competition back in 2000? lol but got rape on type 1, their deck is just unreal.
Anyway the good thing is I sold all my cards and manage to get about 60% of the value back, not too bad for a hobby, i mean most of my other hobbies dont allow me to recover any cost at all.
I'm not into Magic, but I stumbled upon this atomic competition which gave you a coupon for a free sample deck if anyone's interested. Catch is it expires 30th Sep, and it's first come first served so there could be none left at any particular participating store:
I started playing in 94 when Revised was out, but stopped around Kamigawa cos of full time work sadly. Never got around to selling my cards tho, which is good and bad as some have appreciated a lot!
I'm kinda dabbling in it again, playing Duels of the Planeswalkers on iPad and I'm lucky to have a lunch time league at work (only 5 guys). With a toddler however, I'm not sure I'll ever be able to get back on the competitive scene =(
As for reconciling expensive hobbies with being an Ozbargainer, I don't think there's a conflict at all! Ozbargain is about saving money, whether on daily necessities, branded products or expensive hobbies =)
I started in 4th ed and soon found that I didn't want to spend lots of money to be competitive, and neither did most of the people I was playing with. I have two solutions. The first is common decks. Make decks entirely out of common cards, they only cost a few dollars for a whole deck and can be very fun. It is also easy to create a heap of different decks for variety. Those you play with can also make common decks, but you might be surprised how effective a (good) common deck can be against a very expensive deck.
The second is the common booster draft. Buy bulk common cards on the internet (they start at around 1c per card) and divide them into 'packs' of 15. Then you can run super cheap booster drafts.
Or run something known as a proxy deck :) lol
Like a deck full of black lotuses and time walks ;)
Regular ozbargainers are not necessarily poor. While I have zero understanding of MTG, I argue that it cannot be as expensive as photography (and lens acquisition syndrome).