Hi, yes I know entertainment book value in Australia is not great, etc. But I was wondering if anyone knew of a UK/London equivalent? Looking to gift it to someone (who is a foodie) moving to London soon. Thanks
Anyone Know of a UK Entertainment Book Equivalent or Restaurant Voucher Collection

Lmo88888 on 06/10/2023 - 09:58
The closest thing I can think of would be the Taste Card that does 2-for-1 dining offers or a percentage discount for national chain stores (Burger King, GBK, Zizzi's) as well as smaller restaurants throughout the UK.
There's a 60 day trial for £1 on their pricing page, otherwise it costs £5 per month or £30 per annum for the card. Larger companies offer the Taste Card to employees as a free perk (like gym membership) or they may let you buy the annual card out of your pre-tax salary.
Thank you! That’s exactly what I was after. Cheers
A blank notepad?