Hi all,
Looking for recommendations please for the best indoor camera system for monitoring pets when not home.
Features I think that'd be important:
- recording for reasonable lengths of time after motion detection e.g. 1min+ (i think this is most important)
- ideally cloud storage but flexible
- diverse ecosystem so I can expand to outside my house as well (I have CAT6 cables provisioned outside) but this is not essential
So far I've tried Reolink E1 Zooms (seem to only record for around 10-15s which isn't helpful), Wyze and Xioami
Maybe I wasn't using the ones I tried correctly so it'd be great to get feedback if you've used any of the above successfully as well.
Thanks in advance
An indoor camera won't help with security, as in it won't prevent anything from happening.
At best you will know about it earlier, and might have some footage that might be useful to the police.