• out of stock

Apple Homepod Mini Space Grey $99 + Shipping ($0 to Metro/In-Store) @ Officeworks


Have been eyeing getting an additional mini and found this on Officeworks.

For whatever reason they have 2 listings, one for $99 and another for $139.


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closed Comments

  • +2

    Was this price recently on catch with free shipping for OnePass

    • +1

      Yep and I missed out,

      OW good for those who have stocked up on the recent ultimate home 15% off deal. Or get JB to match it etc

      • +1

        Thanks OP, great find

    • +1

      OW is now on onepass

  • can't checkout, anyone else?

    • Happened to me, I called and put the order through that way.

      • Ended up having to call, couldn't check out but they said it was probably something to do with cookies. Placed order over phone anyways and used 15% Ultimate GC.

    • -1

      Maybe talk to ow chat

    • Mine went through fine. Waiting for pickup confirmation now.

      • +1

        mine too

      • Just an update: pick up confirmed today.

    • +1

      Same wouldn’t let me use ultimate cards online, so just called to place the order

      • +1

        same, called and ordered, told them it's a VISA credit card

  • +15

    Great price.

    These come bundled with an Apple 20W USB-C Charger as well (beat that $2000 iPhone 15 Pro !!!), these are worth $29.

    • +7

      And it doesn’t over heat and shut off like the iPhone 15

      • -8

        Haha exactly. Not a hot pile of poo like the iPhone 15 :/

        • +7

          Now why would you want to go and trigger iPhone 15 owners like that?

  • +1

    Bugger missed out!!

    • +2

      Still live?

  • +1

    How do fellow OzB-ers using this? I've got a few Google Home stuff and I understand that HomeKit is all local. Do you connect to Home Assistant? Is it better?


    • +2

      Speaking of home stuff, these have thermometers in them, so like have a fan turn on or blinds close when it goes above 24 degrees in a room or whatever, maybe anyway.

      • +9

        Use case for HomePod Mini: “Hey Siri when it gets to 30 deg C in my lounge room turn off my iPhone 15 to prevent it overheating”

    • +1

      I've got a mix of Amazon Echos and devices, and Homekit based camera and smart plugs. Used Homebridge on a Raspberry Pi and bridged them together. The Homepod mini would have been handy to get Siri to control.

      PS - Homekit is not local if you have a hub (Apple TV, Homepod, iPad). I can tell Siri to open my garage door from down the road.

    • +1

      What do you mean by ‘HomeKit is all local’? You can access HomeKit out of your home. Home Assistant’s big value, AFAIK, is adding devices to HK that don’t have HK integrations (of which there are a few due to HKs more stringent security standards).

      • +2

        He means you need a hub (Apple TV or HomePod) to use it when not connected to the home network.

        If you have no hub you can only use it locally when on the same network/close proximity.

        • +1

          I don't have either of those and can control my HomeKit plugs out of the home. I do have a thousand other Apple products tho.

          • +2

            @AustriaBargain: In that case - you might have an ipad which serves as hub. In this mode I found that another member of apple iphone cannot be invited to control home kit.

            • @ultraviolet: Checking this resource https://support.apple.com/en-au/HT207057 I do already have the option turned on on my iPad. So I guess all this time my iPad has been acting as the home hub. I never knew.

              • +1

                @AustriaBargain: Not anymore as apple have removed using ipad as a hub in the new apple home architecture so you can’t use an Ipad as a hub if you have updated your apple home😑😑

              • @AustriaBargain: Just make sure you don’t update the Home setup at any point if you get prompted to the newer model

                iPad is not supported as a home hub on the new, more reliable and more efficient Home architecture, which is available as a separate upgrade in the Home app

                From your article.

                Apple with iOS 16 looked to be de-emphasising iPad as a home hub.

                • @Smigit: Eh, time to get another Apple TV anyway. Have my old one to a friend and used xbox instead after apple music was added to xbox. But I really need to Infuse app for ky pirate content. But it’s been 500 days since the last Apple TV update, there could be a new one in like six months..

                  • @AustriaBargain: Last one came out Oct last year. Probably an alright time to get one…I got the latest 2 months ago and apart from throwing a quicker processor into it to support some of the new games coming out for more recent Mac or phone chips, not sure there’s a lot for Apple to add right now to the current one given they’re covering off most of the codecs etc that matter.

                    That and Apples support for Apple TV is pretty great. The 2015 model I sold when upgrading still got the latest version of TV OS 8 years later.

      • Yeah I can turn off my HomeKit smart plugs outside of my home. My LIFX bulbs too, the old ones before HomeKit was built in. I don't think it's hard these days to let you control stuff from the internet.

    • the cost extra bits and bobs makes this so nor worth the hassle.
      Google mini is solid and it works. I got a few hubs for less than this with a nice screen to double as alarm clock and view my wifi cam feeds, watch youtube whilst i do the dishes.

      Google hub on sale > OP on sale

      • +1

        completely different device and use purpose.

        • -6

          is that right?
          what do you do with the apple homepod mini - use it as a hat?

      • Yeah, but then Google knows when you wake up and you'll get targeted ads for late night infomercials or whatever.

      • Not even a like for like comparison, the Google equivalent is the Nest Audio which itself is pretty good. Sound quality is subjective but IMO the nest mini sounds thin and trash, you get what you pay for.

        The unseen benefit is the ability use this in conjunction with Home Assistant to aggregate all smart devices and allow secure remote access via HomeKit. Acknowledge this is Apple specific, but it’s something that the nest cannot do (everything is online).

    • +2

      I use them for home automation with commands for HomeKit devices, use them to listen to music/podcasts but my favourite use for them is for speakers with my Apple TV. Sound far superior to TV speakers or most of the rubbish soundbars around.

      • Do you use 2 for stereo sound?

    • This homepod mini can be used as a hub for accessing your HomeKit devices remotely.

  • +3

    Loving my HomePod mini. Great sound, obviously it’s not to compete against Sonos etc but for the price it’s really solid!

    • I have 3 and they are great. Bought another today to make 2 stereo pairs. The stereo pair in my kitchen is fantastic

      • Thanks, was about to ask about the stereo as I only have one.

  • +8

    I already have 4 HomePods… do I really need a 5th ?!? Decisions, decisions.

    Edit: Apparently, yes I do… ordered!

    • +1

      what do you do with it? is it much nicer sound vs google nest to justify the huge price diff

      • Mainly multi-room audio. I have 2 set up as a stereo pair in my study… and 2 others in different rooms.
        And I use Siri to control devices via Home Assistant (garage door and air conditioners).

        The 5th will go into my bedroom.

        • yes, they are excellent in stereo pairs and multiple.

        • -1

          but thats exactly what you can do with nest minis - (maybe not stereo pair) but you can group them into one device and stream to them all in sync.

          Google Home also controls smart devices. Im confused where the 4x cost value comes from

        • Can you make it to follow you around? Like if it somehow knows you are in one room and as you move about, it switches to another pod in a different room? Kinda like the AirPods.

      • -2
    • +2

      I guess 2 stereo pair for Apple TV and another 2 in each bedroom? :) of course you need a 5th in the bathroom.

      • I have one in the bathroom and always wanted a second there to match the stereo pair I have in my kitchen. I said yes and delivery tomorrow, yay!

  • Ordered for click and collect without issue. Looks like it's the month of tech for me as I just bought an eero router an hour ago.

    • How?? Did you just order it? It's showing not available online for me :-(

      I'm in WA btw.

      • +1

        That might be why. Still showing as available for me in NSW.

    • Just got my pickup confirmation.

  • Are these older models perhaps? Is that why they’re a bit cheaper?

    • +6

      There is only one model for the HomePod Mini

      • +2

        One model. Multiple colours.

    • I don't think there is a new version

    • The non-Mini version has at least one iteration, but not the Mini.

    • Jb doesn’t want to price match cause the model number for $99 one on Officeworks is different to the $139 one on officeworks (which they are able to price match)?

      • I just ordered two from JBHIFI with prices matched via online chat.
        PS. I am in NSW.

  • -1

    For anyone not aware you can price match this with Apple directly

    • Not if OW has not stock, surely.

  • +1

    These don't do Atmos like their big brother can (kind of) do, right?

    • +2

      Yeah, correct.

    • I was looking at these earlier this morning as I would've like 2 as a stereo pair for my mac but not having Atmos/Spatial Audio is a dealbreaker for me. I'm sure it'll get it for the gen 2 but rumours seem to point to late 2024 for that

  • +1

    I made an order hopefully it is honoured. The ipad as hub is not running in a mode that allows my wife to control my garage door unless someone can point me to the solution. Hopefully it resolves this issue.

  • +2

    for everyones info, the Homepod (big) is now available on Refurbished for $409. Excellent deal. I bought 2 and now one of these to add to my 3 Homepod Minis already in fine use. Can't have enough LOL

    • +2

      I bet Tim Cook's house is wall to wall HomePods, thousands of them everywhere. My god I'd go even gayer for Cook, we'd have HomePods for days..

      • +1

        Sounds like you’d like to hang at his iPad.

  • +4

    How do you guys checkout with the ultimate gift cards?
    keep giving "There was an error processing your order. Please try again or contact customer service centre on 1300 OFFICE (633 423)." errors

    • Checkout as credit card.

      • +1

        odd thought that's what i did and it keeps failing on the online website,.
        -pay with a new card
        -input card number, expiry and cvv

        • Looks like Officeworks has a strong fraud protection where it seems as if you can't buy anything online even though they say they can be used online.

          • @Applause: I just ordered online for collect and used universal gift card, seemed to work ok

            • @Roger Wilco: Probably different conditions for different gift card type

    • +1

      Unfortunately, they don't work for Officeworks online.

    • I had the same issue. A phone order worked fine with the Ultimate Home GC.

      There's some uncertainty about whether the card expiry date is 3 years after activation or Dec 2029. The latter worked for me.

  • +1

    Ordered for delivery, no issue.

  • +2

    Seem to be unable to order this in WA, unavailable no matter what post code I punch in or if I put my address in at checkout :(

    • +3

      Yeah no stock left in WA just got told over the phone. Expecting more mid October but price would probably change in that time.

      • +1

        Thanks for that, will have to keep an eye out

        • So I thought I'd ask my bro who lives in Sydney about an hour ago to see if he can pick a couple up for me and post it. Apparently he's willing :-)

  • -1

    Looks like an upside down Alexa

  • Purchased one! Thanks heaps

  • i have like 10 alexa echo shows, do i buy this still or buy more echos?

  • Officeworks Robina doesn’t want to price match the $99 model cause the model number for $99 one on Officeworks website is different to the $139 one on officeworks (which they are able to price match)? Any reason why?

  • +1

    Can you get this price instore? OW website says this price is online only, but my ultimate GC is refusing to work, so I thought of going instore to buy. See if I can convince them to price beat themselves.

    • I went instore and they didn’t want to give me this price stating it’s a different model number

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