This deal is for @p3r514n who dreamed of 8 posts from 8 retailers. Alternative option if Sony stock finishes.
PlayStation 5 Disc Console $632 Delivered @ The Gamesmen eBay

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Have you considered going by the name 1r4n14n instead?
I quite like that actually, thank you.
$632 @ The Gamesmen eBay
$630.15 @ Sony Ebay
$648.99 @ Costco
$649 @ Target
$649 @ Amazon AU
$649 @ Big W
$669 @ EB Games
$678 @ JBHIFI😭
Nothing for free. Sad
Target price matches up to 14 days after purchase
If this bloody thing keeps dropping Imma need to go back to JB and ask them for a price match prifce difference refund
You wish….
Jb staff will say that is wayyyyyyyy below our cost pricelol on paper it is. i've seen the invoices direct from suppliers and sony. they just pricematch anyway bcs they make money off the other things u buy down the line
Loss leader strategy :)
How is it reducing in price all of a sudden?
Is the economy improving? Is the Aussie dollar suddenly stronger? Or is there simply a decline in demand ?Some people believe there will be a mid-gen refresh in the next 6 to 12 months……Can't wait for the FB market to be flooded with 'near new PS5, only selling because I no longer play' ads.
I payed $750 on release in November 2020. It went a little crazy then due to lack of supply and COVID so it seems the release rrp should have been around that $750 mark.
A loss of $118 in almost 3 years is pretty good and more than happy to wear that type of loss for something ive been playing for that long while others keep holding out for that bargain.
price going down means economy is declining
Bought PS5 about two weeks ago from JB deal with 15% off ultimate gcs
Have played for approx 2-3hours each day since then and regret not getting it sooner lol.Which games are you playing?
I got it last week but I am lost as the last time I played a game was back with PS3 days, and find it bit overwhelming.If you liked Dead Space on PS3 last time and have ps plus subscription now you can check out Callisto Protocol which is one of the free monthly game for October. Reviews were not that great but I like short games like these :) great graphics as a showcase for PS5 and pretty fun
If you like rpg like final fantasy should get the preorder twin pack deal on ps digital store for ff7 remake where u get part 1 (which u can play immediately) and the upcoming part 2 (releasing feb 2023) for the price of one. IMO best game to show case the PS5, with one of the best graphics and gameplay.Yeah! I signed up for PS plus and going through some games, thank you for the suggestions.
I've never had or played before on any PS (or any other console for that matter, only played games on PC) my favourite has been Assassin's Creed series but my PC struggled after Black Flag. So naturally my first choice was Valhalla on PS5 :)
I concur with @iori57
Consider the Final Fantasy VII TWIN PACK currently available on the PlayStation store. It’s basically two brilliantly presented games experiences for the price of one.
Many a PS3 gamers of at the time would have killed to play this game if it were out then as well.
With the twin pack you’d get to play immediately the first part of the game (plus extra side contents), and then the second part upon its release in Feb 2024.
I am more of a battlefield guy (back when I played on gaming PC), on playstation I very much enjoyed Need for speed. I have downloaded the uncharted games as that was also something that I had enjoyed.
this will be the christmas where ps5 will be the number gift you watch it will keep lowing in price heheh, just wait for black friday hehe
Does anyone think this will go below $550 this year?
I hope so
If it does, it’ll be an easy gift purchaseBlack Friday/Cyber Monday…HOLD
I shall HODL.
I hope the XseX also sees drops in price like this
I noticed PS5 is already featured in Amazon's Black Friday ads on social media. Still current full price when you click through but the fact that they've already got the links setup is promising.
If you can share a link to the actual ads will be 👍🏼
Haha much love ❤️