Hi all,
I'm based in metro VIC, looking at a townhouse listed for auction in 2 weeks' time but just received notice from the REA that an offer of 735k has been put in (top advertised range 710k) and that any counteroffer needs to go in by tomorrow afternoon. I am keen to put in an offer as this is still within my budget.
How much higher an offer is reasonable for the vendor to consider? 10k? Do these tend to go back and forth between bidders?
And should I send the REA a text with my offer being subject to finance and building/pest inspection? Or should I leave building/pest inspection out so I'm more competitive? (It's a 5-year-old townhouse.)
I had preapproval which just expired and I reapplied earlier today - I've had no changes in my financial situation so I'm presuming this should not be a problem.
Any advice would be appreciated as a first timer - thanks in advance!
Are they doing it as a boardroom auction, or just taking other offers? If they’re just taking offers, ask the REA how they run it, as everyone is different. Is it back and forth, or is it best and final offer? If back and forth, only go in a couple k higher, as though it’s an auction. Best and final, well, you could still go in a bit higher and hope that the first offer went in at their highest already.
Do you know if the other offer has any conditions? If there are none, adding conditions would likely mean you would need to add a nice sum of $ to make it worth the vendors while. $5k-10k may be enough, but for others, it may need to be $20k-30k more. Given that it’s going to auction, the vendor may not be willing to entertain conditions. FWIW a 5 year old townhouse is exactly the kind of thing thats going to start having issues in the next 2-5 years, when all of the warranties expire.
When was your pre approval previously granted? How many interest rate rises ago? If at least one, you may not have the same loan amount as previously. Would a reduced loan amount impact your budget?