Hellovacay - have you used it?

So I've seen this on my FB feeds where you buy a US$29 annual membership with Hellovacay Delay and if your flights get delayed for 60 minutes or more you get sent vouchers to enter into the airport lounges.

Very similar to the Travel Card from Westpac but with Westpac the delay must be 2 hours or more.

I'm not sure if anyone has used them and can provide reviews? The list of lounges is pretty good, most of the major Aus ones are there plus many others from common transport hubs like Malaysia, Singapore etc

We are going on a family holiday to Asia for 7 weeks with lots of flights, some may have to be with low cost airlines like Air Asia so this may come in handy given the chances of being delayed 60 minutes or longer.


Edit: since when I saw it on my FB 2 days ago now the price has gone up to US$99, US$29 must have been a special promo or something. Not really worth it now but still keen to hear reviews

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  • You can still get it for US$29 here: https://hellovacay.com/vacaydelay29

    Read the FAQ carefully though. There's so many exclusions and conditions for this. Also not all flights or lounges are included.

    The offer page says for you and up to four people travelling with you but the FAQ says you cannot bring guests and each has to register and get a voucher.

    If you do not get the voucher automatically, you'll need to call +1 USA international number so factor that in whereever you're going too.

  • Personally reading through it it might be worth taking a punt for US$29. Some of the lounges aren't actually lounges, they are vouchers for a drink and a bite to eat at a cafe instead, but it does seem comprehensive.

    Re: the FAQ, I read it as if you register the people on the flight with you before you go, and it's delayed, they are allowed the same access as you, but no access if they're not pre-registered

    Also, it's run by Priceline who are massive in the US as a booking platform like Booking.com

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