I am a software engineer. I graduated from uni in 2019 and started work at a top tech company. Earlier this year, layoffs occurred and my whole team, including myself, were made redundant. It took 2-3 months but I managed to get a new job, which I am very grateful for, but at the same time I am a little worried about where my career is heading. One of my friends has 4 yoe and just got an offer for a senior engineering position, another has 5 yoe and is a product manager. I have 3yoe and am still software engineer level 1, earning less than what I did in my first year of work (85K).
Should I be worried about the state of where I am or is this just par for the course?
You can try and progress at your current role or change jobs. They are really your two options. Now isn’t really the best time to be climbing the ladder, so don’t get your hope too high. Last two years have been bananas. Software Eng at 3yrs of experience is alright though. Some people take a lot longer than that to progress to Senior Eng. You should also consider if you are actually up to the task of a Sr Eng.