Cell phone deal today

Hello friends from across the ditch. On holiday from NZ in Cairns and the wife has broken the screen on yet another phone. Need one short notice, like today. Any good deals on?. Open to any price range from $100 to $1000 just want a good deal.


  • +1

    Click on mobile menu option under deals mate .

    • Cheers. Lots of high end or low end phones I see. Zenfone 9 looks like the best bet. I did see an iphone se for 200 bucks at coles but will have to see how old it is.

      • Zenphone 9 deal is old now i have followed link. Cheapy from coles it is

        • You'll sell the se for that much on marketplace when you do get another good de

    • -7

      Wtf is a phone booth

      • -6

        Brutal 2 down votes in 1 min.

        • +3

          Maybe in NZ you call them Phone bboxes Robbert.

  • https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/802306
    This Vivo is locked to Telstra but bang for buck, seems a good buy

  • +3

    There's a Cash Converters retail store in Mulgrave Road. Officeworks is open until 21:00, more options than the supermarkets. Late night shopping to 21:00 in Cairns Central, a few mobile phone outlets there.

    • Cheers. I just seen the late night shopping night. Was pushing for the nokia x30 but the wife said just get me an 3 year plus old iphone from coles as I will just break it anyway.

      • +1

        Good plan, just give them a call before you head over. Refurb iPhone stock at Coles is pretty flaky.

        • I think the x30 much better deal and I can get tax back through airport but the wife might be right. I can recall her last 4 phones ending with broken screen. Seen stock at smithfield a few days ago but cheers will call first.

          • +1

            @Robbert: EB Games at Smithfield appears to have a refurb Galaxy S10 in-stock

            • @sumyungguy: Thanks. I couldn't get my son out of that store the other day. I didnt see any phones in there. I see they have late shopping tonight as well. Might pop in now

            • @sumyungguy: Ouch bit expensive at $500. I think i got my s10+ new almost 3 years ago for $700 nz

          • +1

            @Robbert: At least we now know there's at least 4 occasions where your ducking speed is quicker than her flinging speed. A good fit, albeit the collateral damage ( to phones) is mounting.

          • +1

            @Robbert: Has your wife tried using an OtterBox with a screen protector? :/

  • Cell phone deal today

    What is a cell phone?

    Phones are inorganic.

    • Phones are inorganic.

      Mine has Organic LED.

      • Is it Vegan?

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