Cheapest is 300 pack for $15 at Big W. Any one managed to find it cheaper than 5 cent per bag?
It's been a year since it was discounted.
Cheapest is 300 pack for $15 at Big W. Any one managed to find it cheaper than 5 cent per bag?
It's been a year since it was discounted.
Was there any ever reason to think Sri Lanka makes quality tea? I thought the whole point of the tea was the kooky ad campaign, "do try it".
Gee I don't know? Ceylon?
I go by comparison and taste and aroma. And consistency of that . The quality is based on it all.
But whatever rocks your boat when it comes to beverages,engine oil and beer.
For tea I just buy whatever says "STRONG" on the box. And it must be pretty strong because it makes me pee whereas coffee doesn't really.
Get your tea from Austria then pal.
5c per bag is cheaper than peanuts.
True. I'm not complaining at all about paying a fair price for the best tea for me. I would like it cheaper, but it won't stop me buying it.At least within reasonable affordability. I think getting weeks worth of teabags VS a couple of cafe made teas or coffees is value enough.
(But no I don't know where to buy Dilmah products cheaper on average than at supermarkets)
It's actually hard to find the whole Dilmah range in any one supermarket
rue the day i tasted dilmah
Dilmah Not on Special Anymore
Got some 40% off a few weeks back at Woolies.
really??? so they do go on special then…?
Looks like there was a price increase yesterday too…
Probably jacking up the price to advertise a fake 'we have reduced' price sticker in a week or two…
yes remember getting a 200pk for around $5-6 a few wees ago.
Very diuretic tea.
In the scheme of things, five cents a cuppa for something you obviously like, does seem like some sort of a bargain.
I read that as "Tea - Dilmah Not Special Anymore?" and wanted to agree with that.
I've been a Dilmah (loose leaf) drinker for decades but have had to change over the last year or so. I feel the quality has dropped to the point I complained to Dilmah directly.
Define quality drop? Is it before or after you had your covid?
dilmah has never been special
Enjoy TWG a lot more than Dilmah, but at greater expense :(
Yes twg is nice but as you suggest, not cheap
I buy loose leaf green tea from lupicia, big taste difference vs the reg
Aldi Diplomat or Lipton is always in good price. I recently like their strong English Breakfast.
Haven't enjoyed regular Lipton recently, will try diplomat.
As someone who grew up speaking broken cantonese, I used to see ads on TV for this brand and I'd laugh a little (at the direct translation). Now, many years later, I've still got trouble taking this brand seriously.
TV advertising in Australia used to be the Wild West. I guess in the US too from what I've seen. Anything goes. Marketing today is much more homogenised.
Milky Bar Kid?
Toyota hiluxs driving up volcanos?
If you want the best, you gotta pay for it kid.
What 5 cents a cup is too expensive?
reviews last report from the RBA
yes, adds up over a lifetime. and have been giving inferior tea bags to guests until a few realised i had given them different bags to myself. now i have taken to drinking lemon and warm water rather than tea. (home grown lemons of course)
I gave up on Dilmah when i discovered Yorkshire Tea.
It is the only tea in this country to match the real british cuppa i grew up with
If Dilmah is not on special try it.
We've found a good alternative is Twinings English breakfast Extra Strong.
They were a good deal a few weeks ago anyway. Given up forecasting.
Average price for 100 Dilmah teabags (IGA) pot strength $6-7
Average price for 80 Twinings English breakfast Extra Strong teabags (Woolies) seems to be $12-14
(Packed and blended in Poland)
I don't mind some the Twinings range, now and then
I prefer Dilmah but Twinings English Breakfast Extra Strong usually goes half-price as well.
Might try it next time it's on special as a backup, if the taste lines up.
it's still around??
Time to upgrade to better quality.. Organic teas are better for you and the tea bags are not treated with chemicals..
you want the best?
But it's a no from me as far as cheaper. I buy it IGA
Contact Dilmah for outlets , maybe they have online supplies?