Neighbour has a building business.
Loads and unload their truck in front of our place, sometimes very early.
One truck in front of our place is unregistered & permanently parked. That truck and another truck (parked up to many days at a time) are both over the street weight limit of 3 tonnes.
I can think there might be up to 5 issues.
1 - running a business in a residential street - not sure if that's a problem or not.
2 - overweight trucks parked for longer than 1hr.
1 - truck unregistered.
1 - noise issue.
Any idea if these are even covered or how to approach getting some of these things stopped? Council, RTA, police?
Thanks and this is Sydney.
Council first step for unregistered vehicle and noise issues. Some also have vehicle size/class restrictions for residential street parking.………