This was posted 12 years 5 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Redbull Limited Edition 250ml Cans $2ea at Coles Bondi Junction


Spotted at the Cole's Bondi junction Westfield. limited editions are lime, blueberry and cranberry i think. Could be elsewhere.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    They have been that price for two weeks now, but good work on making it ozbargain official :)

  • +2

    $2 at woolworths too (vic)

    • (wa) woolworths confirmed

  • is it the same flavor ?

  • +6

    i tried all the flavours 'red, blue & silver cans' they're all mediocre tasting.
    The original tastes better so don't waste your time with this.

  • red = pomegranet
    blue = blueberry
    silver = lime

    all nicer than original red bull - in my opinion
    this price also at coles in TAS for $2 so i suspect nationally

    • Thanks for tabling the flavours correctly! personally I prefer the limited editions to original. For some reason original always smells like vomit to me and puts me off the taste.

      • +2

        Few friday nights may have given you a lasting experience?

        • Ah yes the good old regurgitated jagerbomb.

  • +4

    Red is cranberry not pomegranate.

    I'd say it's the only one that's equal to the standard red bull taste, blue is a distant third and the silver may as well the old stock of the original mother.

    • This is for both Woolworths and Coles, atleast in all of my local stores.
  • Pity Red Bull never brought Red Bull Cola to Australia before it was canned. Nice taste and so much richer than Coke/Pepsi.

    • The marketing team that did Red Bull Cola did an amazing job, there's nothing like trace amounts of cocaine to keep those kids coming back.

      (I do realize that you would give yourself a heart attack from drinking so much red bull before the trace amounts would have any affect on your body).

      • I think it was an accident rather than clever marketing. The drink was briefly banned in some parts of Germany and the same food regulators found traces of cocaine in Pepsi One and Diet Coke too.

  • Saw this at Woolworths, The Glen (Vic). Bought the silver one, was so bad I tipped half of it out.

  • +1

    Confirmed at Cole Burwood VIC, just did my late night grocery run lol love that place.

    • -1

      shh, dont spread that word:p

  • How many are these 'limited' to? :p

  • I've seen these for $2 at a few Coles/Woolworths around VIC.
    Most likely nation wide.

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