Doorbell add on:…
Doorbell with Homebase 2:…
Doorbell add on:…
Doorbell with Homebase 2:…
Cheapest that aren't essentially rebranded ewaste yeah.
I would avoid battery cams unless absolutely necessary, especially if you want to use any kind of notification functionality. To preserve battery life all battery cams run in a sleep state that significantly delays response times for notifications & remoting in. If at all possible it's worth running the wire.
I have run a 4 pack of EufyCam 3 with solar like these since January. All outside, and positioned to get some sun.
All 4 are still sitting on 100% battery life. The two out the front have over 3,200 20 second videos each and about 5,000 detections each. So, no need for a cable to prolong battery life.
I get two notifications on my phone (from the two front cameras) several seconds before a visitor makes it to the front door, so the response time is pretty good - maybe 1-2 second delay at most.
Thank you I thought as much. Pretty sure I've seen reviews of battery cams that backup what you say.
A few years ago, sure, battery cams wouldn't be at the speed PoE are but these days even the cheap Chinese brands are catching up.
Thanks OP, been waiting to pull the trigger on the doorbell add-on
A bonus feature of Eufy cams is that you don't even have to watch the cameras, Eufy staff will do that for you…..
Its not just the staff, You must mean the Eufy Community Monitoring Program?
they outsource it to random users of their products :)
I've decided to go with the "Professional" kit of Homebase 3 and 4x24/7 always recording (powered) cameras.
Which eufy cam has 24×7?
Can you share the link please?
E330, $1399 at JBHiFi
yep, same thought and got same today
Did you use the 15% off Ultimate gift cards deal? That offer runs out today.
Strange that JB is the only supplier - not even Eufy have it on their site!
Yeah just checked only JB has this. Any feedback on that?
Is this a good price for the doorbell add on? On Camel it looks like its gone down to ~ $150 at one point
Can this be used instore or online only? I've got couple of GC's, hoping to use them.
Reolink do the cheapest battery cams? Looked at the IMOU Cell 2 but had some deal-breakers