This was posted 1 year 6 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Blueberries 170g 2 for $5 @ Coles


Didn't realise these were 170g packs rather than the usual 125g packs - worth a separate post imo.
Aldi have them at $2.49 and Woolies at $2.80-$3 per punnet in NSW if you only want one.

Lovely price and taste, grab some if you haven't already - it's just the weekly special, but quite a steal for the fresh Aussie ones.

Driscolls brand, plump, crisp and sweet.
I've got some growing, one appreciates the price when you try to do the work yourself.

Note - excess consumption may cause unusual stool colour.

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closed Comments

  • Not in NSW..? showing as $3 for me

    • Via the link? Ive got some regional + sydney stores both showing $2.80, but may be store specific at woolies :(

      • Sorry.. the link seems to have changed. It was woolworths at $3 each, its changed to coles for $2.80

        • +1

          No sorry needed 👍 updated it from woolies to coles, will include store specificty for woolies, thanks

  • +3

    Started growing these myself.. investment :D

    • +1

      Yeah likewise. Have you tried the Burst variety? Australian cultivar, crazy big berries, early ripening, but not as hardy as the sunshine blue, I lost all of that variety in the heat last summer. 😪 Expensive to buy too, unless they're clearance/damaged stock. How are your plants going?

      • Only started growing 2 variety couple weeks ago, sunshine and legacy (both from bunnings). I’ve been eyeing on the kisses variety, on facebook they’re going for $15-25. Sorry to hear your lost on the plant :(. I might just start with my current two and see how they go, if good, I’ll buy some more vairety.

        How long usually before they set fruit? I heard 2 years?

        • Ah nice! The kisses seem just as good as the burst in their size and yield.

          Yep most of mine were from bunnings as clearance stock after the water damage from the crazy weeks of rain in 2021/2. Hard to justify $15-25. The SB and legacy seem to be really reliable ones. The larger legacies ive seen always seem to be heavily laden with fruit.

          I wonder what varieties these driscolls ones are.

          Wuth setting fruit, I've seen really tiny plants (as in a single cuttings) spout a flower and a berry or two, crazily. They seem to be quite opportunistic! I think a 1yo plant gives about a half or a punnet over the whole season, but if youre able to re-pot up a size each year, (just after fruitiing has finished), it seems to be exponential growth - year 2 = 2 punnets, year 3 = 4p, year 4 =8p etc.

          But I haven't done too much research, I dont know what pruning/fertilising strategies may help.

          Long term investment!

          • @Embaloo: I have 2 blueberry plants, 1 maybe 5 years old and the other 2 years old. First few years wasn't many - only get one or two berries ripe at the same time. Last year was better on the older plant - you could get a small handful at a time every few days.

            Hopefully this year is better again, but I didn't repot it last year. Flowering ATM.

          • +2

            @Embaloo: I transferred mine to 70cm pot. It’s crucial that the Ph soil is correct (4.8-5.8). I use Rose Gardenia And Azalea Premium Potting Mix and added alot of mulch to cover it up. Make sure to water daily as their root is shallow. Apparently pruning should be done 2-3 years after tree has set fruit.

            • @J0hn: Awesome, yes I have been careful with the pH - the price of that mix has skyrocketed since I last re-potted, I might buy regular and and spike it to the correct pH. Thanks for the pruning & watering tips, and mulch reminder, especially coming into summer.

              That's a good sized pot. A friend suggested to double-pot them if they are black pots, to protect the roots from the heat. I havent gone that far yet :S

              • +1

                @Embaloo: Yea you can just buy regular and add acidify to lower the Ph level - just don’t plant the blueberry yet, might takes couple months. Once correct level, then plant it
                No worries! happy to help :)

  • +1

    Coles have them for 2 for $5 at the moment:…

    • Lol should have shopped around, only saw the coles 125g ones! Ill update the post, thanks.

  • +4

    If you go to your local vege shop you should be able to get them from .99c to $1.50. I picked up a box of 12 for $14 yesterday and the quality was very good.

    • Sweet. Winning!

    • Never seen them anywhere near this price …. Guessing this is a QLD or NSW thing?

  • +1

    I noticed this change in punnet weight a few weeks ago. Current pricing has them sitting around $2.05/125g punnet ($2.80/170g punnet).

    Aldi have them for $2.49/170g in NSW

    • Beaten again! Its appears to be blueberry week.

    • +4

      Size getting bigger? Reverse shrinkflation?

      • Yeah what ??

      • Hugeflation!

  • I'm in Perth and can only find the Driscoll's brand 125g for $3.30 each at both Coles and Woolworths

    • Thats a pain, some stores must not have the 170g ones in stock.

  • +2

    Fun fact, blueberries got their name due to their blue colour and because they are berries.

    • +1

      😄 thank you for enlightening.

      Tried explaining the fact that an orange was called "an orange" to a 1yo who already knew their colours the other day. It was quite a difficult thing to do.

    • no idea how bananas got their name, but between strawberries and bananas only one of them is a berry according to botanists, and it is the one that means I fell like typing this.

  • +1

    Good pick up. No deal in Gold Coast QLD for 2 for $5 but I got one for $3 over the weekend and they are a nice quality blueberry, and yes the bigger size.

  • +3

    Blackberries coming down in price too. Absolutely cheering.

    • +2

      Spring has sprung! They'll be worth freezing for smoothies, soon.

    • +5

      Give it about a month and the Coffs region will be in full production. The price will be down to around 2.50 a punnet (125grams) and there will be 170g punnets going around.

      Though it has to be said. The quality of summer blackberries is very hit and miss. The droplets need to be fully expanded and have a brix rating above 10 else they taste like "battery acid"

      • +1

        Yeah my toddler found out the hard way today lol

        Usually wolfs down a $7.50 punnet in 2 seconds flat. Today was spitting each one out and saying yuck.

        • +4


          Yeah we dont have any issues with flavor and brix during the winter picking period. Since its cooler the berries get enough time to hang on the plant and convert the ferts to sugars - they're grown in substrate media and under plastic tunnels

          During the hotter months the plants go MENTAL (~20'ish tonne per hectare in 5-6 week). With the heat the plants have to much fruit on the canopy, not enough water and not enough time for the fruit to convert to sugars.

          However, please dont stop buying them :D

  • +1

    I find Harris farm just as cheap and better

    • Yeah I'd be there if there were some close enough. Especially the bulk deals. I remember some crazy tray deals on berries at HF last year.

  • +1

    Do you see 2 for $5 mentioned in the page that the link directs you to or is it in store? Because me here in QLD only see the 170g for $3 and no multibuy special

    • Yep page link, sorry the multibuy must be location based - how are your woolies and aldi prices?

      • We have no aldi and the cheapest I could find early this week was 300g for $5 at coles

  • +1

    My fav are the big Eureka varieties. So expensive but delicious

  • +2

    Coles ones are not as tasty as the Wollies and Aldi. We go through a few packs a day and bought a few of the coles this arvo and not as nice as the Wollies we had this morning at breakfast. Probably that's why on special. Obviously in my opinion.

    • Just ate some Woolworths Driscoll's 125g and seem nicer/fresher than Coles Driscoll's 125g. Both are the same price at $3.30 in WA. Perhaps Woolworths have better storage

    • The ones i've got are from woolies (that was my original post), and they are gorgeous. Yet to try the coles ones, gtk, i wonder if they are slower at getting them out, or have a different quality standard/tier, as they both seem to be Driscolls.

  • +2

    $2.80 per pack. Vic, 3013. Still not bad for 170g

  • Is there a way to have fresh berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries) daily without having to go past a grocery door everyday to grab some? I feel like they go bad within a day or 2. I absolutely love them and they'd be perfect for a diet with such low calories and incredible taste, but getting to have access to them all the time is a hassle

    • +3

      I keep mine in the fridge in their punnets and they’ll last about 5-7days if they were fresh when buying. If they are the discount ones out the front of the fruit shop a little less. I find a visual check on purchase helpful - if they look plump and firm they’ll last longer.

      Some people talk of rinsing in vinegar, I’ve never done this but can’t get past the idea of my fruit tasting like vinegar.

    • +1

      I havent tried this personally, but ann's pretty decent. My picked berries dont last forever, so storage seems to be really the biggest factor. 5:10

    • +1

      Yes, see - basically you dunk them in hot water (50-60 degrees depending on the berry) for 30 seconds before storing. I normally dry them and transfer to a plastic box lined with a couple of sheets of kitchen paper towels for storage in the fridge. I'd say they last 2-3 times as long this way, compared to just putting the punnet straight into the fridge, it works really well and doesn't waste vinegar like some of the other suggestions you find online

  • +1

    Eh, unless you're eating them straight, just buy frozen for $11/kg

    • Yeah. Often though they arent aussie. I appreciate our food quality and safety standards. Id be happy to freeze fresh ones instead, as i have done in the past with crazy specials.

  • +1

    These are also $2.50 per punnet at Woolies in next week's specials catalogue, beginning tomorrow Wednesday 27th September. Handy if you're unable to get down to Coles today.

    • Thanks!

  • +2

    I thought I got a good deal last week at Aldi, bought a 300g punnet for ~$5. Thanks for the post!

  • Seems like it's not nationwide, unfortunately.

  • Costco has 1 kg pack for $13.99 today

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