End of Free Citibank PayAll

Just got an email, and any PayAll payments done past 1st of November will be charged 0.95%.

The Citi PayAll fee is currently 2% and is part of your Terms and Conditions including your Financial Table. This fee is set at the point of scheduling your Citi PayAll payment, applies for the duration the Citi PayAll payments are scheduled and is charged to your account each time a Citi PayAll payment is made. The promotional Citi PayAll fee of 0% commenced from 1 April 2021 and will end on 31 October 2023. Effective as of 1 November 2023, the Citi PayAll fee will change to 0.95%. For more information please refer to Citi PayAll fees by visiting Citi Credit Card Fees and Charges (citibank.com.au).


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  • “A fee of 0.95% of the amount of Citi PayAll payment is payable and is debited to your account each time a Citi PayAll payment is made”

    • I wonder how are they going to charge the fee if your credit limit is $20K and the PayAll payment is $20K. Is there an overlimit fee?

  • Confusing. FAQ on website still says For all Citi PayAll payments set up between 1 April 2021 to 31 October 2023 (the Period), the Citi PayAll fee will be reduced to 0%.*

    *Any recurring Citi PayAll payments set up during the Period will not incur the Citi PayAll fee for the duration in which those payments are scheduled to occur. Any recurring Citi PayAll payments set up prior or after the Period will be charged the standard Citi PayAll fee of 2% of the amount of the Citi PayAll payment. This fee will apply to all recurring payments made for the duration in which those payments are scheduled to occur.

    Don't know if anyone's actually spoken to them yet. Not sure that a contact centre agent is going to know the details anyway.

    • +1

      It is confusing, but given that this email is more recent than their website I can only assume that it's the end of PayAll.

    • +2

      Any recurring Citi PayAll payments set up during the Period will not incur the Citi PayAll fee for the duration in which those payments are scheduled to occur.

      This is the important bit

      • +1

        Unfortunately the variation notice linked in the email doesn't feature those words.

        • On their website. Just take a screen shot. I don't think the two clash.

          Because one talks about payall setup before 1st Nov and runs for duration of recurring payments.

          After 1st November, single and recurring payments will be 0.95% fee.

        • +3

          According to https://www1.citibank.com.au/credit-cards/fees-and-charges

          How you can avoid the Fee:
          This fee is set at the point of scheduling your Citi PayAll payment, applies for the duration the Citi PayAll payments are scheduled and is charged to your account each time a Citi PayAll payment is made.

  • I believe if you set a reoccurring one up before 01 Nov 23 it should be 0% fee. Unfortunately I haven't been able to set one up for more than 3 months :(

    • Just set one up. Works for me?

      • I wanted to set one up for $25K reoccurring monthly up to 2025 or whatever the maximum duration was. Tried again for lesser value of $15K, still wouldn't let me do it. It would only set up reoccurring for 3 months. Sadface.

        • +1

          Try selecting purpose as misc > apartment fees. Use $500 and see if you can do 24 months.

          I was just resetting mine. Because half my credit limit has been paid this month I cannot setup more payments than half my monthly limit. I need to wait until October so I can reset the other half for 24 months.

          The programmers are either not that smart or took the product brief from the bank literally

          • @netjock: Hey thanks for this comment. So I'm trying to set more payall transactions up in addition to ones I already have, but keep getting errors.

            I'm currently close to maxxing my limit, and based on your comment, you're saying that these errors only pop up when you don't have the credit available to set them up?

            I.e. if i settle my full balance, I should be able to set up higher Payalls of up to 20k or whatever my limit is, in addition to existing Payall instructions I already have?

            • @BuyLowLetsGo: Max limit. If your credit limit is $20k. You've already done $20k pay all this month you cannot setup anymore during the calendar month.

              If 1st of calendar month none of your payall have happened and you can setup full $20k.

              I am not sure whether credit utilisation causes a problem I haven't had it stop me but worthwhile giving it a try.

              Noted that my previous accounts I have sent it to NAB has instituted a check to know it is your own account, does not applied to already setup recurring transactions

              • @netjock: Thanks.

                Hmm. Still very confusing. I have two cards, one payall maxed out for the month, one yet to be paid out. Yet for the second one, I cannot setup a new one either. Tried different receiving accounts and categories, but just says I'm maxed out for the monthly limit allowed for the selected category.

                Gah, guess I'll have to live with a short duration of existing payalls till end 2024, and not 2025.

  • I havent been able to setup an recurring payall for a while now, the "next" arrow is just blurred out and I can't submit it.
    I can try to submit a single payment, but always get an error msg.

    • +3

      You just need to scroll down on the screen to get to the option of how many months the payment is for.
      It's a very bad ui/ux design, it took me awhile to figure it out as well

  • +1

    It’s not “over” yet, but the walls are being cleared for the writing as we speak. Citi (NAB!) has been sending changes and announcements out recently, and it’s only a matter of time until PayAll is restructured and/or eliminated. NAB is a greedy bank that likely won’t allow the PayAll loophole keep going. I imagine it will either (a) remove all rewards points for PayAll payments, or (b) remove PayAll altogether. I suspect we’ll get several months notice though, not just 30 days. There’s really no need for PayAll when they have CitiReady Credit anyways. They could drop that fee to a 0.95% fee and interest accruing if not paid off in full after a month.

    The worst is if things are cancelled a month or two after you pay a $700 renewal annual fee. I have to imagine a complaint there would have Citi (NAB!) refund either the full $700 or prorated by how many months you have used.

    • Also applies for redeeming points. If you hit the target don't wait

  • Tried to setup a recurring transaction to account already setup and working. Seems like it is now checking names of accounts now (CBA). But it worked with HSBC. Just beware peoples!

    • Doesn't affect payalls already scheduled? My CBA payalls went through ok

      • Doesn't affect already setup. Only new ones. Lets see if other people report the same.

    • Do you mean if you use an account under your name, they might be able to know it??

      • I am just raising it happened to me.

        But I could just be a dumb dumb

    • Do you get an error saying that it's explicitly detected the account under your name? or the generic allowance exceeded?

      • Explicit. Even though I entered account name as not my name it said "you cannot pay an account in your own name" (CBA)

        Used HSBC account and it went through fine.

        • Do you have the account saved in a citibank address book somewhere with your name? Or they are cross referencing past transfers?
          I don't think there is a way for banks to access other banks account names yet…

          • @Outrageous: Last problem I ran into was the account I am sending it to is also the one I have my direct debit.

            If you enter your real name against the account it will also bounce, found that out.

            Double checked. It turned out I selected the account I direct debit out of again. Yes me being dumb dumb

    • +1

      They've always done that.

  • Anyone got payall scheduled for this week? Would be interested to know if any fees charged.

  • Want to know the same :)

  • Note their FAQ has now been updated;

    Is there a fee for using Citi PayAll?

    The Citi PayAll fee is currently 0.95% as outlined in the Financial Table and is set at the point of scheduling your Citi PayAll payment.*

    *The Citi PayAll fee is currently 0.95% and is part of your Terms and Conditions including your Financial Table. This fee is set at the point of scheduling your Citi PayAll payment, applies for the duration the Citi PayAll payments are scheduled and is charged to your account each time a Citi PayAll payment is made. Please note the promotional offer of the 0% PayAll fee ended on 31 October 2023. For more information please refer to Citi PayAll fees by visiting Citi Credit Card Fees and Charges (citibank.com.au).

    • “This fee is set at the point of scheduling your Citi PayAll payment” - still confusing for those with payments set prior to 31 Oct/ during promotional offer period. A 0% payall fee was technically “set” during this period. Could they retrospectively apply the fee? Who knows. Let the games begin.

      I love how they’ve yet to include an FAQ that addresses this very specific and I imagine front of mind concern for many. Clowns

  • +1

    My friend's payall is set on 1st, the paymemt processed on 30/10, and no fee.
    My payall will be processed on 3rd, I think it will be no fee as well.

    • Great. Good to know. Thx

  • Please report back anyone who has setup payall before 31 Oct and have you been charged for Nov payall transfers?

  • +4

    I had mine processed last night 1/11 and paid 2/11. Can confirm no fee.

  • +2

    I"ve got one going out tonight, I'll report back.

    • Please do report back!

      • as below, went out on Wednesday 1/11, and no fee showing.

  • following

  • Following too! Keen to know

  • +2

    Mine has gone through and I haven't received any charges.

  • +1

    Confirming I had one go out on 01/11, that I had scheduled about 3 months ago, and there is no fee showing in my account.

  • +2

    No fee here too!
    Looks like 4 more years of $35k a month (I've been on this since the beginning), wish I went longer but can't complain 😂

    • +1

      How can you do $35k? Didn't they reduce the limit to 20k for everyone?

      • +2

        I had setup all mine before the 20k limit was introduced, grandfathered on the good stuff

      • +4

        if you setup earlier there is no limit. My 40k payall is lasting until 2033

        • nice work

        • +1

          That's the goat!

      • Early days the set up was limited to the credit limit.

        • Before that, my credit limit is $6k and I'm churning $35k a month…
          It's painful doing 7 transfers a month, but can argue with those Amazon gift cards flowing in

  • +1

    Update from me: no fees charged

  • No fee also

  • Interesting. I played with a new setup and there is now a new section below the end date outlining the PayAll fee.

    • It's always there. It just showed 0 fee before.

  • If you have set up $20k a month with no fee is it work keeping another year and paying the $700 annual fee?

    • Yes - you should be $500 in front over a year - minimum.

    • $20k per month = 240k Citi points = 120k Velocity points/240k Flybuys points. If you notionally assign a value of 1cpp to Velocity points/0.5pp to Flybuys points, then you get $1200 worth of points or groceries.

      And there are other niceties like free Priority Pass.

  • Thanks guys. Worked out also approx $15 a month interest

    • should be closer to $80+ a month in interest at 5% or $960+ a year (factoring in a few days lost bouncing money around)

      • minus tax. still more than $15

      • Yep I could never get the first one set up straight away so only 2.5 weeks interest a month

  • What is everyone redeeming their points for?

    • +1

      Flybuys points here. And then gift cards.

      Unfortunately don’t fly much.

    • Velocity/Krisflyer

  • I set up one AFTER 1 November as a test for $1 and i haven't been charged a fee (yet). I'm not game enough to up that amount… can anyone else report if they've been charged a fee for anything setup after 1 November?

    • It says at the bottom the fee applicable, no longer $0.

    • +1

      Did you really set up or only a test run? Because fee of $1 is too small so it won't charge. If you put $10 you will see a fee of 0.09 at the bottom.

      • Thanks, I checked again it does look like the $1 is too small for them to charge.

  • If you cancel the card (Prestige/Premier), do the points stay on your Citi account or do you have to transfer them out at the same time?

    • From memory all points disappear once you cancel the card.

  • Tried to setup a PayAll, on the final screen it said the fee.

    • +1

      Yes the free usage ended for payalls set up from November

  • Omg so if i set up payall regularly prior to Oct, it would be free every time? Sadly i only did single uses and now the 0.95% fee applies.

  • I paid $800. Got charged $7.6. Does it worth it?

    • Is it worth it? Let me work it
      I put my thang down, flip it and reverse it
      Ti esrever dna ti pilf nwod gnaht ym tup i
      Ti esrever dna ti pilf nwod gnaht ym tup i

    • generally not worth it for the points

  • Yeah i dont know what to do with this card now since payall charges now?

  • Just to confirm - it’s .95% currently and not 2%?

  • +1

    Hello, did anyone get this email
    Your NAB Classic Banking account is now active and ready for you to start moving your banking to this account, including transferring your funds.

    If you have not transferred your funds from the Citibank Plus Transaction Account to your NAB Classic Banking account on or before 23 February 2024, we will transfer those funds for you on 24 February 2024.

    Your Citibank Plus Transaction Account and Citi Debit Mastercard will be closed on 24 February 2024, and the NAB Classic Banking account and NAB Visa Debit card will continue.

    How would it work with payall?

    • don't know.

    • Very curious to hear this. At the moment I BPay to the Payall CC account so would not directly impact, but imagine anyone who set up timing and transfers to the linked Citi Plus account would be.

      • How is your experience with direct bpay to the prestige, and how much lead time do you allow? Also are there fees? My current setup (which has been working really well) involves transferring funds to my Citi plus and then onto the card (typically do this 4 days out from my scheduled payall date). Slightly annoying

        • +2

          My $20k payall date is 17th of each month, so I’ve set up 2 x $10k recurring BPAY payments with my bank for the 11th ($10k) and 12th ($10k) of each month.

          Typically the BPAYS are there within 24 hours to the CC account. When the dates 11th/12th fall on weekends for BPAY out, my bank sends them both the day before (10th) and they are applied to the card same or next day.

          Lose a few days interest, but having a 5-6 day gap between Payall OUT and BPAY IN helps avoid all weekends (2 day windows) public holiday either side on M/F (2 day windows) and an unforeseen outage day (1 day window).

  • Question for the gurus:

    my payall dates are 20th and 25th and I normally have ample time (2-3 days) to recycle same amount back to the card between 20th and 25th. My understanding for this month was that I will be charged on 18th for the 1st payall, and on 20th for the 2nd one.

    However I have last night received a reminder for both payalls at the same time. Does it mean payall scheduled on 25th will be charged this much earlier, possibly as early as Monday 18th?

    • I think it will be 18th amd 20th. They always send 2 reminders. One is 3 days earlier, one is on the day processed.

      • Yeah that’s always been the case since I was running the system.

        However on this occasion they already sent me the reminder sms & email for both, incl “Your PayAll transaction of AUD xxxx to yyyy will be processed on 25/12/2023. Ensure sufficient available credit …”. Hence confusion.

  • +4

    Anyone else had their payall declined due to direct debit funds not clearing? I thought I left ample time between the direct debit and payall dates (18th & 25th). Called them up and they claim there is a known technical issue that they're working on with payall payments.

    • +3

      Yep mine failed tonight too!

      Funds were transfer out of my ING account Friday and allegedly landed in Citi on Monday.

    • +3

      Same. Had sufficient credit for Payall but failed this eve. Can get them to retry? Don't want to wait another month.

    • +2

      Just called citi. Worse than having teeth pulled out. Call took just over an hour. They will put in a request to push it through. Not sure if backoffice will though

      • I would bet my payall it doesn't

    • My payall seems to be going thru. The limit is gone but the payment hasn't hit my bank account yet . Is that the problem you guys are facing?

    • +1

      One of my payalls and one of my wife's did not go through. Two different receiving bank accounts, two different amounts, two different cards (Premier and Prestige). Cards had enough funds for over a week according to online banking. Same cards had no issues last month for same transfers. Will call Citi to check.

      • Called the bank. After 30 minutes on the phone and lots of "research" I did not get a proper explanation. They've opened a "case" and will get back to me in two business days.

      • What was the value of the transaction that didn't go through? >$10k?

        • $9900 did not go through. I've got two more payalls that bring up the total to $20k. I've split them to avoid everything being declined if there's an unexpected charge to the card. Case is still not resolved btw.

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