Hello, wanted to get people's experiences using the Viofo A139 Pro. Some specific questions:
How does the dashcam handle Summer heat? Reports are that the heat-dissipation is not very effective in comparison to A119 for example.
Aside from the hardwire kit, and an external battery, what is required for parking mode?
Recommendations for an external battery.
Power consumption is reportedly quite high. Has this caused any issues or concerns?
I am planning to get it hardwired to use parking mode outdoors in the Summer. As I would like to keep it for a few years, I am concerned with reliability due to reports of heat and power concerns. Would the A229 Pro (new) or older models be more suitable and reliable? Much appreciated.
This review is for the non-pro version, but could still be useful.
I personally run the A139 non Pro in 2 channel configuration. 2K 60 FPS for the front camera, which the T130 can't do. So even though the T130 form factor is newer, I believe the A139 chassis is superior. I have not tried the A139 Pro personally. I prefer 2K 60 FPS vs 4K 30 FPS.
Re: your heat question:
In the A129 range, the issue with the Pro vs the 2K Plus version is that the rear camera does not have its own processor, therefore would put more load/heat on the main camera unit.
There have been reports of issues with Pro versions, but I currently have A129 Pro Duo in 1 car and A129 Plus Duo in about 3 other cars, with no issues with any of them.
Some more of my commentary below: