This feels a little awkward but here goes…: I'm a 55-year-old man in Perth. I was a working musician for many years but nowadays my main focus is my love affair with wood…and stone. I've taught myself to carve with power tools and make predominantly abstract pieces as well as some functional art such as coffee tables. I also make bird perches on castors allowing them to be moved wherever you wish. Ask me anything!
Long Time Lurker New Member

I enjoy a few hobbies that involve my hands.
Enough about your romantic life
Why did you pm me asking for pictures then?
Thought your mrs was sharing your account again.
Jupiter Jones - haven't heard that name in years. The Three Investigators. Detective novel by Hitchcock. Brings back good memories
I wasn't aware of another Jupiter Jones but If Hitchcock thought it up it puts me in fine company.
Hi. Thanks! Alot of trial and error. There are no wood schools for power carving sculptures so it's been an expensive journey of trial and error. Sometimes very scary errors.
Jupiter Jones is my imaginary rock star name.
What types of stone do you work with?
Do you sell your art works?
Hi. I work with the local stuff known as Tamala limestone. Fascinating material.
I haven't sold anything yet but that's the plan. I have many nearly-finished pieces lying around, I love starting things but have trouble finishing things (thank you ADHD). I also have to figure out how to price my work which is a bizarre world I don't understand.
Sounds like you could use some bargains.
Indeed! Something to look forward to :-)
Nice! I’d like to be better at woodwork.
What is your disability? (Okay if you don’t want to answer even if you did say AMA 🙂)
I was wondering how someone could fit on a digital signal processor…
If you want to improve your woodwork perhaps you need to remember why. Try looking for an interesting piece of wood that you're drawn to, clean it up, and simply spend some time with it.
Back injury and the black dog, a term that insults my black T-Rex.Thanks! Damn - your black t-Rex sounds vicious! Enjoy the bargains and banter
Sounds like you are at peace with who you are. That isn’t awkward it is terrific.
The only thing I really wanted to inherit was the embroidery work my great grandmother did. It is now well over 100 years old but it looks amazing.
I have a love affair with my wood too. Explains my poor eyesight
Sounds like a skill you could turn into a profitable side hustle, then you could save up for some treatment for your eyes
What's wrong with my eyes?
Wood is good
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Ask yourself: Why not?
As a working musician, what are some good bands/musicians you recommend checking out?
I'm currently thoroughly enjoying an extremely talented UK artist named Steven Wilson. Try this one on:
Absolutely sublime… Thanks for the recommendation!
Great! You're welcome.
Great effort. I enjoy a few hobbies that involve my hands. It's a dying hobby these days with everyone glued to their devices.
What is the meaning of your username?