I 3D print mainly useful things not figurines or helmets. I've fixed a broken vaccum hose and now I'm currently printing a spice rack.
What have you 3D printed that has turned out to be useful?
What Are Some Useful Things You've Printed on a 3D Printer

Last edited 19/09/2023 - 00:06
teach a man fishing
to catch himself
Teach a man to print a fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime.
Until his 3d printer breaks and he doesn't know how to repair it.
Toothpaste tube squeezy thingy.
This is on my list to buy as the kiddos keep presenting toothpaste & sunscreeen tubes as empty when they really are not.
SodaStream to PET bottle adapter
Board game parts and accessories - card holders, dice towers, tile holders for Catan.
Mini paint pot holders.
Small items as gifts in home made Xmas cracker/bonbons.
Mounts for Dyson vacuum accessories.
Letter shaped boxes, for young nieces and nephews, using their initial, decorated with a model of something they're into.
Large models of dragons for one niece, models of horses and dogs for another.
Puzzles - like soma cubes, again for another niece.
Watch stand for my Pebble watch, when being charged; adapter to charge the watch from a USB port without using a cable.
Headphone stand.i don't have a 3d printer. but i have a 3d pen!!
i use it for fixing kids toys by creating a wider join and brace between broken pieces before adding a ton of epoxy glue.
aside from looking weird, the toys are better than new
I print basically only brackets, jigs and other functional stuff. Basically any issue I come across I design and print a solution. My latest has been a series of magnetically connected duct quick releases.
Lots of benchies!
Let's see
Security camera mounts, motorcycle parts, Vacuum fittings, retaining clips and brackets, phone case, quad-lock mounts, drill guide, model cars, little kids toys, battery packs
Ender Pro upgrade parts, replaced various broken plastic parts in tools and toys….I swear I print more behchies than anything else.
I saw a YT video yesterday where a guy recycled hundreds of benchies into powder and extruded new filament.
I canna do that! Im quite attached to my growing collection (I put them in a big clear vase)
I designed a clamp to stop window blinds from banging in the wind.
Working glove box for a 4YO Euro car
Ones I use the most:
- Laptop stand
- Screen cover for my Miyoo Mini
- Case for my Miyoo Mini
- Vertical stand for my NBN modemIt gets more fun when you actually design your own stuff.
- Portable iPhone stand that hangs off my car keys
- Case for my Google TV remote
- iPhone and Apple watch charging stand
- Card shuffler (this one didn't end up working but had fun playing with gears)I have got a 3d printer couple of months ago from this deal and couldn't find a time to even unbox it and install.
What Are Some Useful Things You've Printed on a 3D Printer
a 3D Printer
Most used is a trolley key ($2 coin size) so I don't have to worry about losing the stupid ALDI token
Second would be multiple quantities of TV remote battery covers, since my kids keep repeatedly losing and/or breaking the existing ones
Interesting replacement to Viagra…
Strengthening clips for ath-m50x headphones has been the most useful. They have a design flaw where a plastic tab on the hinge snaps & the ear cups overextend, making the headset useless. Clip stops it from ever breaking.
Other than that HDD/SSD mounts & other internal PC brackets mostly. Everything else has been one-off or trinkets.
a 3D Printer