Get a Case for Your iPhone 5 now!
Bulksales offers the perfect fit iPhone 5 Ultra Thin Transparent Case.
buy one $4.88
buy two $9
Buy Now and get a Screen Protector for FREE
limited stock only~ Stock will be sent on 5-OCT
Get a Case for Your iPhone 5 now!
Bulksales offers the perfect fit iPhone 5 Ultra Thin Transparent Case.
buy one $4.88
buy two $9
Buy Now and get a Screen Protector for FREE
limited stock only~ Stock will be sent on 5-OCT
we apologize that the price we offered is not good enough.
Actually this case is free postage which already cost $1.2 AUD.
Moreover, the phone has just came out and the manufacturer charge us more for this reason.
We have already set the price as low as possible but don't worry. The manufacturer will mark it cheaper when it became more competitive.
Sorry again for the disappointing offer.
Thank you.
Not sure how many Ozbargainers would buy a $799 Iphone..
some may actually spend all the money saved from ozbargain deals to buy the iphone 5 lol
You don't save money on ozbargain. You always end up buying things you don't need
you didnt see the ipad logitech deal over the weekend? THAT many ozbargainers own an overpriced glass brick
I bet they all own iphones too
some of them just own (or soon will) a flat Bluetooth keyboard.
Most now need iPads to go with them
Sent on 5-OCT. So im going to need another case/screen protector till then?
I'm pretty sure these are going for $2 on ebay including postage.
We are currently selling cheaper than all ebay dealers on this type of cases.
However, we understand that the price might not be attractive enough.
We will try to make it closer to your desired price if possible in the future.
what material is this?
plastic or silicone?
would be nice if its clear silicone…if you have one let me know, dont mind the price.
i dont like cheap plastic that is easily cracked
The case is made of out Plastic.
We do have many TPU soft case but we don't sell any silicone.
If you want clear(not Transparent) soft case, you might want to go for this one:…
I purchased that for $1.98USD including shipping on eBay..?
Did you buy it from AUS seller? or is it hong kong or china?
Oh yes, HK seller.
Can you do a good deal on this:…
And then we can all vote positive for you :) (do 80 cents each please ;) )
so if i buy it from yall does the package come from asia to you first on the 5th of oct then to me?
We stock all products in Australia.
We will have this product in stock by 5th OCT.
To your question, we will send the product to you before 5th OCT.
????? 5 October ????????
It's faster to buy it from Hong Kong directly and cheaper?
All manufacturers are producing the products and it has not yet been made since iPhone 5 has just came out few days ago.
We got first order from manufacturers and express post to AUS then we will send to all our customers in AUS.
It maybe sooner than 5-OCT but we cannot guarantee.
Thanks for your advice.
We have re-calculate the deal.
Although we cannot sell one screen protector for $0.80 due to expensive postage.
However, we changed selling 5 screen protectors from $1 each to $0.80 each.
Is there really any point buying a .5mm case? I mean you may as well just not bother if it's that thin- what protection would it offer?
I think you meant to put 0.88, you put a 4 in front, see what you've done?