• expired

Apple Store: 7% Cashback on Accessories (Online Only, No Cap, Exclusions Apply, Was 1.3%) @ Cashrewards


Credits to ISP for title and OP

Great offer to stack with after the purchase of your new iPhone 15! Or you may just want some new accessories for your current phone!!

If you wanna stack with discounted gift cards, which you can, don’t forget about this deal currently on

Use the Cashrewards app for the highest chance of tracking! - TA's #1 tip

Please allow up to 7 days for Apple to track. Apple is usually on the slower end compared to other merchants

Special Terms

  • Important: Cashback tracks to member accounts between 2-7 days after you receive confirmation from Apple that the product has been shipped.

  • Apple sells and ships products to end user customers only; you may not purchase for resale. Eligible only to a customer for up to five (5) units per eligible product, except iPhone, in which case only two (2) units within a thirty-day (30-day) period are eligible.

  • Cashback is eligible on purchases paid with gift cards, and eligible on the purchase of Apple refurbished products.

  • Apple Education Store eligibility: (1) full & part time students aged 18 or over with current student union or student ID card and studying at accredited Australian universities or Apple approved institutions; (2) lecturers & staff working at accredited Australian universities; (3) lecturers & teachers working at Apple approved & registered education establishments within Australia. Additionally, products purchased from Apple's Education Store must be for personal, education, or research use

  • Information on Education pricing (for members that are eligible based on Apple's T&Cs): After clicking 'Shop Now', navigate via the Education link in Apple's footer menu before adding items to cart.

    Cashback is ineligible on the following:

    • (Updated 13/09/23:) iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Plus, Apple Watch Series 9, Apple Watch Hermes, Apple Watch Ultra 2, Apple Pro Display XDR, Purchase of Gift Cards, Apple Developer Programs, AppleCare+, Shipping, Purchases via trade-ins.
    • EPP purchases (Employee Purchase Program)
    • Purchases using coupon codes not listed on Cashrewards.
    • Items that are cancelled, returned, exchanged or refunded.
    • GST, other taxes and delivery fees.
    • Fraudulent transactions.
    • Purchases using any type of discount which lowers price advertised on the Merchant site, including but not limited to employee discounts, student discounts and price-matching.


Referral Links

Referral: random (3767)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

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closed Comments

  • Do AirPods count as accessories??

    • Care to click the accessories button on Apple Store web?


      • Yeah… thanks.
        But I’m more wondering what CR’s definition is.
        Sometimes CR and SB have ambiguous definitions. Eg SB wording seems to imply AirPods and AirTags may be “accessories”.

        • +1

          I would go with the Apple accessories page. I want to upgrade my Apple Watch but apparently apple doesn’t count it as accessories (not in the accessories category). AirPods is there so must be eligible.

      • I used that logic, thinking that Beats counted as accessories (ShopBack was offering 10% on accessories on Friday).

        I just got a confirmation that it's only tracked at 1.2%, which I'm guessing is "standard cashback". So I'm not so sure anymore :(

        • that sucks! and pretty sneaky of them.
          I was almost about to pre-order the AirPods pro with USB-C case…

          • @stonedewok: I wish CashRewards or ShopBack would just clarify.

            5 months ago:
            "Accessories include: Music Accessories including AirPods, Apple TV Accessories, iPad Accessories, iPhone Accessories, Apple Mac Accessories, Apple Watch Accessories."

  • +6

    Don’t get the fine woven case, it’s crap


    • Thanks, that was informative. I almost pulled the trigger.

  • Most of the Apple accessories are so over-priced that even CB does not make up for it.

  • can someone update the title as it says below but the title says it works for iphone 15 range

    Cashback is ineligible on the following:

    (Updated 13/09/23:) iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Plus,

  • Bugger! I'm subscribed to Apple notifications but didn't get notified about this…

    • I didn't either :\

    • It's back for two more days

      • ended when ?

        • when i posted the comment, so probably the day after or something like that

  • +1

    Anyone got any idea if this will come around again next week and apply to all products as it has done for the last few months? Or is this all I should expect until the end of October?


    WANTED AIRPODS 2nd gen

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