Transferring Data Phone to Phone

Hey all,

Google sent me a new pixel 7 Pro, as my current screen is going haywire.

Obviously it's very easy to do a transfer to transfer. However, it has stated it will transfer 88 GB but on my current Pixel 7 Pro I'm using over 140 GB.

Device I am returning
Apps 37GB
Videos 36GB
Audio 24GB
Images 23GB
System 19GB

I've only been using this phone for 4 months, I'm unsure what data it's not transferring over and what I would need to personally save onto my laptop?

I don't think it was as huge gap transferring from my pixel 2 XL to this pixel 7. That's what concerns me.
I still have my old phone to save data, however I need to reset this and return it to Google.

I will check it's complete, to compare what is missing overall I guess.

Any tips would be amazing. Thank you!.

It didn't transfer a single APP over, I think it's downloading them. I am guess system is just mobile files, so the 37GB in Apps it will download. It seems some videos missin from last month, photos look play tho~!

I will back up the whole 100Gb of Photos, Videos on my laptop just incase.

Old phone says 156 apps, new phone 150. I went side by side and no missing apps! Very odd!


  • +1

    Thanks for the update.

  • +1

    It won't transfer your Apps (already installed) or System (this is phone specific). Your complete list of apps will likely carry over in your Google Play Store "My Apps" but you will still need to install them on the new device.

    Allowing a little more in for overheads and there is your 88GB in Video, Audio and Images.

    Just make sure you have them all backed up to the cloud or another storage device before you do the phone to phone transfer.

    • I am saving on my laptop, taking forever tho!

      I think after it updated all the apps, and I guess downloaded images, photos from online the numbers came up a little bit! Just playing it safe!

    • In my case, with iOS, it won't even transfer photos, videos and music as I'm using iCloud+ and Apple Music. Also transfer and backup/restore won't transfer cache, so depends on the usage, the process can sometime be really fast. One of the reasons I'm still in the walled garden.

      I still remember I used Titanium Backup on Android to get either full or partial backup/restore to almost getting the "same phone back" after warranty replacement. Never get a similar experience afterwards when I can no longer easily root a newer phone (because of Knox, Google Pay, root checks from some apps, etc.). Sure things has changed quite a bit since then.

      • You would think though going from a pixel 7 to Pixel 7 it literally would make a mirror image of the phone!

        However, it does not!

        • So it won't copy across the home screen and folders? That's really annoying if that's the case as I spend quite a bit of time setting that up.

          • @fivespice: It looks like the numbers evened up once it downloaded all the apps and then the apps downloaded all the data from memory

            My home screen is blank so I can't help you there. However, I had to log into every app which you could understand means you have to make sure you remember every password for 20 apps. On top of that they'll send you an SMS or an email with a code and I totally do that for every single app

            You would think it's a hard copy. It would just transfer everything but it is what it is

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