Jack Links Beef Snacks are made from premium cuts of whole lean beef, which we season, marinate, cure and slow smoke to exacting well proven recipes. Our Beef Jerky are a guilt free snack alternative which delivers a product high in protein, rich in iron, 97% fat free and most important of all it tastes great! Sale starts Wednesday 19th September.
Jack Link's Beef Jerky 50g $1.99 at Coles (Save $2.00)

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There's NOTHING wrong with MSG
some people have allergies to it and it also can affect people with asthma…
Yeah but what if you don't have allergies to it?
It's like saying peanuts are BAD…
+1 for this
It is in most of our daily foods.I get what you mean, hehe
The FDA agrees
jv, I get headaches from reading your posts… without the MSG.
alright Jv, we will neg your posts so no one reads them.
Jerky isnt the only thing getting smoked here
why do we need to resort to insulting eachother?
its like you're a bunch of school kids who need to show off to eachother.how about we discuss the bargain instead? If you want to make petty remarks about eachother then take it to whirlpool.
This is a pretty good deal for jack links, but it is on the low tier of jerky.
jv's post gave me cancer
omg guys, leave jv alone :(
Why? He loves it.
yes, it makes me feel 'impotant'
Impotant is right!
tightarse always makes me feel impotant
Glutamate is a naturally occurring amino acid and sodium is, well sodium. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it except that it may increase your appetite and make you want to binge eat. MSG being carcinogenic etc is a myth from the 50s and has no scientific basis. A small percentage of the population is allergic to MSG and that's about it.
I would be more wary of the sugar content in jerky.
pretty much this, if you're allergic to msg you'll be allergic to a load of other foods as well. Chicken, cheese flavoured chips and soy sauce are just a few.
MSG causing health problems is a MYTH. It is less harmful than salt or sugar when taken in excess. All the MSG fearmongering is from people who are jealous that restaurant food tastes better than theirs.
More MSG, more taste, more pain. Gives me chest tightness when I have too much. No pain no game.
No its not a myth. I used to advocate the same thing, inherited from my father, but it really does affect people. My housemate used to inflate like a balloon. i cant sleep with itchy legs/buzzing and my brain spinning out. My young girl flops around like a landed fish when trying to sleep. Other 3 kids are fine. I still eat things with MSG but not after 7 PM or I have trouble sleeping.
I'm sure a lot of people are affected and dont know it but its nasty stuff. it might not kill you but its definitely not a myth that it causes health problems, it does. It seems like its just hard to pin down what the actual issues are.
Never mind the MSG, the real problem with processed meats is sodium nitrates and nitrites.
Like sodium nitrite, sodium nitrate forms nitrosamines – human carcinogens known to cause DNA damage and increased cellular degeneration. Studies have shown a link between increased levels of nitrates and increased deaths from certain diseases including Alzheimer's, diabetes mellitus and Parkinson's, possibly through the damaging effect of nitrosamines on DNA.
They're also halal, if you're into that sort of thing.
Love it but the ozBargainer in me hates spending $4 on 50g of meat. I once tried making it, it came out with a terrible taste, but a good aftertaste, like tomacco. You'd eat some, go "yuck" then go for more.It's pretty easy to make. I like smokey flavour so I use liquid smoke, smoky paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, Worcestershire and soy sauce. Dehydrate for a few hours, done.
By the way, this is $2 for 50g of meat, not $4. This works out to $40 per kilo - a great price for jerky.
P.s - the image shows a 25g bag. Should we assume the deal is correct, and the image incorrect?
Image is wrong. Just copied any old image off the internet. Deal is correct…
A friend bought this from Coles on Friday night and said it was $2.00 as well, it's legit!
So the deal is started already?
Yeah the actual jerky came out fine, my marinade just wasn't good.
I was referring to the usual price (which I still often buy at :P )
t's pretty easy to make. I like smokey flavour so I use liquid smoke, smoky paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, Worcestershire and soy sauce. Dehydrate for a few hours, done.
Where do you get liquid smoke? Most recipes on the net seem to be very similar to what you're using, but I don't have the slightest idea on where to get liquid smoke, so usually just smoke it in the bbq before dehydrating. Tried Barbecues Galore and BCF.
like tomaccos?
I usually buy mine from Costco. I don't think it's as good as Jack Links but a bit cheaper.
Love the jerky.
Although the shape of the brand logo looks disturbingly familiar. :P
Is there a vegetarian version?
Can you pricematch at officeworks? ;)
Avoiding hormone-fed chicken is pretty easy, given that hormones are illegal to add to livestock in Australia. It really cheeses me off that steggles et al are always banging on about hormone-free these days - they'd add them in a shot if they legally could, and in this respect at least all chicken in Australia is the same.
It's the antibiotics you need to be worried about.
yep, I'm pretty sure they feed antibiotics to most chicken and I'm sure its widely used in lifestock. My mate's family used to own steggles and he explained to me that chickens are quite dirty animals and if you dont give them antibiotics, they tend to die quite young (before they get fat). never knew if this was true though
I think your friend is referring to commercial chickens raised in intensive farming barns. Any animal raised in these conditions would be prone to microbe infestation and cross contamination. I have two chickens that are free to roam the back yard and they are happy and healthy sans antibiotics. They even prefer to eat grass.
Back to the issue of MSG, I actually look for it in foods, it gives a natural buzz to the brain as well as tastes great. More MSG please.
I love this beef jerky - thanks OP!
I never found jerky at Coles Melbourne Central :(
These taste terrible in regards to jerky standards. Far worse than roadkill…the jerky brand. Tastes like what would happen if red flavored jelly babies mated with cows and their offspring were left out to dry
Just fyi… there is FAR better stuff out there…buyer beware
Its actually not that bad as you make it seem.
There are better jerky's out there, one like Legends Jerky at coles also, but starts from about $6 for 75g and there is jerky online as well.. but works out pretty expensive. Good for Jerky lovers.
I do find this jerky sometimes very hard and no soft pieces of them which is a bummer, but damn they are nom nom nom.. and for $2 each… dayummm…
omg… im gonna buy a box..
if there is none at your local coles, go to the front counter and ask for them to order you some in the next order and you will get them for the cheaper price.
Dad did this with bread and tuna all the time.I didn't know you could do that. Your dad should be on Ozbargain.
Do you mean a rain check? I thought they only gave them out when items are listed on their catalogues…unless it's just my local coles…
Depends on the server. I've had a few knockbacks "it's not in the catalogue" but also had them trundled off to the shelf to get the details and come back with it.
PS Rain checks are awesome! Gives you the option to buy, but not the obligation to buy. Valid for 1 month, so if something gets cheaper elsewhere, discard your rain check and get it at the cheaper price. Or, for bulkier items, let them store it for you for a while, then pick it up later!
Ive looked, its a catalogue special, http://www.coles.com.au/portals/0/content/images/catalogue/c….
Should have no trouble at your local now.
salivating at the prospect~~~
geronimo is MUCH better than this stuff, at least in my opinion. costs more though :(
and it doesn't contain preservatives or MSG, so there goes the myth about MSG making stuff taste better.
It is possible the difference in recipe not the MSG is responsible for the taste difference (better or worse is a matter of opinion).
Umm it contains soy sauce which has MSG. Beef also naturally contains free glutamate.
The original flavour is pretty bland but BBQ is awesome.
too much salt —->increased water retention——->six pack gone…
Flush it out with water.
do you even lift?
no need to lift for six pack, cam
calm your farm
Probably the worst Jerky Ive had
I have a rule that tends to work well
"The least amount of effort put into the packaging, generally the better the jerky"
Can anyone tell me, what grade of meat goes into these pre-packaged beef jerkies?
I don't mind proper, well-made Deli variants, but these vacuum-sealed ones I've always had misgivings about.
Generally decent cuts because jerky requires very low fat meat. Hence the price.
I gotta say the jack links jerky is a bit hit or miss. Sometimes its stiffer than cardboard, i guess it depends how long its been sitting in the packet. I tried the new danny frawley jerkey they got in coles, local ledgends. Its pretty damn good, very tender and juicy for jerky, and better than jack links.
well, it's $2 each(50g), still very good value for money
At 40$ per KG, cost about the same if you make your own :D Definitely going to be stocking up :D
what do you need to make your own? and what cut of beef would you use?
A dehydrator, and use topside roast (freeze the roast for about 5 hours first to make it easier to cut).Don't get a wee little dehydrator; you want one of the American Maid round style ones, or one with the sliding drawers. Be prepared to spend a little more at the start, and reap the rewards with cheap, fast (5 hours) jerky, and any flavour you want.
Oh right, what about one of these types? http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/160666794484?hlp=false
Honestly dont see myself forkin out more than 100 bucks for one though.
this wasnt on sale at my local coles, 4122 (the one in the little shopping complex with jetts and next to toyota).
Still bought a pack. My first bite, was a taste of utter revulsion…which got better bite by bite. By the end I was wishing I had bought two packs..
Sale starts tomorrow.
Oh, oops.. I didn't read OP's last line either and went to my local Coles yesterday wondering what's up with that :P
did they jerk you around?
It has begun.
went to coles this morning, they had none and got a raincheck for 10. going to stock up
went to coles this morning, they had none and got a raincheck for 10. going to stock up
Saw the 1/2 price only for original and teriyaki at Coles. Does anyone know if it applies to other flavours as well? Coles Broadway only has original, teriyaki, and peppered stocked.
it applies to all varieties -
I bought 30 packets of Original and 20 of Teriyaki. Shattered I couldn't find any Peppered.
No peppered at my local either
Went to my local coles. Picked up every last pack on the shelf.
Then 30 seconds later, I felt a twinge of compassion. So I put 4 or 5 packs back.
Can anyone guess how long these will stay edible for? expiry was Oct13… i'm guessing that they'll be fine for at least another 6months on top of that??
4-5 packs worth of compassion. i smell an Australian of the year award nomination on the horizon for you.
Also, my store had peppered, but it was full price? i thought it was only the 50g packs, or am i wrong and they havent tagged it?
Got my raincheck for several packs last night. Customer service guy said rainchecks now expire in a year instead of 30 days. Least it gives me time to finish off the 1kg order from Jims Jerky.
on my ticket it says 30 days, so i guess it will depend on the person serving you.
i wouldnt risk it personally…
Picked up a pack of Original and Teriyaki to try yesterday.
Was good for a snack, prefer the asian types of beef jerky though.There was 2-3 boxes of stock left at Hurstville Coles just outside the train station if you're in the area.
just tried it, cheap? yes! impressive? hell no!!!
its impressive because its cheap!!!
I just opened my first pack of the ones i bought today, i much prefer Legend's Jerky available at Coles over this, only having Jack Links because its cheap and a good source of protein… if only Legends was on sale once in a while!
$2 for 22g of protein is pretty darn good.
agreed… the only reason
cheaper than a protein bar, better source as well.
Tried the Teriyaki today, kinda disappointed in taste :( So dry and salty. Will be sticking with the asian jerkys.
It seems to vary a lot by each packet.
Yesterday I had a pretty crappy Teriyaki and regretted buying that flavour, but today I had an amazing Teriyaki.
i think teriyaki is the same flavor as original.
If the discount isn't marked at my store and the store doesnt seem to be excluded in the catologue what should I do?
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