Hey guys,
So I want to purchase a place and would like to save up a big deposit to have lower monthly repayments.
I have Citi Simplicity Card, with $18.5k limit. I have a plan and I am not sure if it will work how I want it to work.
So the plan is;
- Move $18.5k from my credit card using Citi Payall (0% on transfers) to my high interest saving account
- Apply another credit card with 0% Balance Transfer for 28-32 months and pay it off slowly. For example, St Georges Credit Card and transfer my debt there for 0% for 32 months.
This will give me $18.5k for my home deposit now, and I can slowly pay this over 32 months period with 0% interest. This way, I can either use the capital for home deposit or even just keep it in the high interest saving account, earning me 5%.
What do you guys say? Would it work lol?
$18.5k cc limit will severely disable your mortgage borrowing capacity.