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Anova Precision Cooker Nano (Red Version) 50% off $109.99 Delivered @ Anova Culinary


Sous vide next level cooking for the smaller family. Cheapest price possibly on here.

Anova has joined forces with (RED) to fight global health emergencies like AIDS and COVID. 5% of the purchase price from all (ANOVA)ᴿᴱᴰ Precision Cookers goes directly to the Global Fund, with a minimum guaranteed donation of $200,000.

They say good things come in small packages, and the Anova Precision® Cooker Nano is no exception. Nano makes it easy to achieve fine dining results at home with a price point that won’t break the bank. It even connects to your phone via Bluetooth, allowing you to cook amazing meals with the touch of a button and monitor progress from any room in the house. Pair it with the Anova Culinary App for thousands of recipes to get you inspired in the kitchen and cooking like a pro in no time.

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Anova Culinary

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  • Bluetooth only, no Wifi in this model

    • +2

      How necessary do most people find the wifi integration? I find most my recipes are either 6-8+ hours so i set them before work, or <2 hours in which case theres usually enough time to set before the meal itself.

      • +1

        It's good for longer cooks and monitoring from work

        • Genuine question - what would you actually monitor from work…? I was considering but stopped at not being able to actually do anything since I wasn't physically there …

          • @gitl: IF something goes wrong, I can pop home from work. I have also been naughty and put Steaks in the morning and started them around 3pm to be ready when I got home from work. Yet to get food poisoning.

      • When you do 24 and 48 hr cooks wifi comes in very handy to keep an eye on it. I haven't done ice baths yet which are very popular for wifi

    • -2

      The ones with Wifi don't have wifi either - it doesn't work.

      • I use the wifi all the time to monitor my ANOVA remotely

        • Google anova wifi issues. You'll see this is a widespread well known issue.

          • @Dandaman21: Only if your using a ssid that is both 5/2.4 ghz. This happens with a few other devices that don't like 5ghz being on same said. Most people usually have a seperate IoT 2.4ghz ssid for automation devices anyway now days

  • for the smaller family.

    How small?

    • +2

      Nano sized

    • +1

      Family of hobbits.

  • Always wanted to get one of these, always felt like it'll wind up in the bottom of that kitchen draw with the avocado slicer and wine pourer that decants as it pours. Anyone own one of these that hasn't had some sort of culinary religious experience after using it?

    • I bought a no-brand one on eBay back in 2017 and prior to that I used a temp controller for a slow cooker for 2 years. Sous-vide cooking is great for many things but it really depends on your cooking style.

      I use it mainly for precision cooking, eg batch cooking perfect ramen eggs, 24 hour chuck steak (poor mans scotch fillet, which is fantastic btw), crayfish tails and other things where I want cooking to only get to a precise point and not any further, reverse searing chicken breasts is another example, super juicy and tender. I also use it to meal prep bags of vegetables. Dice/chop vege, vacuum seal with some butter and seasoning, then freeze. When I want to cook them I just pull from freezer and put in water bath, no prep, pull out when done.

    • What we've found, particular with red meat and fish so expensive now that having more appliances lets us do so much more with cheaper cuts - which aren't even cheap anymore.

  • -2

    Made the mistake of purchasing an Anova - spent over a year chasing them for solutions to get the wifi working. Should have just bought an inkbird instead.

    • +2

      The wifi doesn't like using ssid that is mixed 2.4/5. Try just a 2.4 only said that is what I use

      • Or buy an Inkbird. I've been through the ringer enough with this, given up on getting it working. It's a well known widespread issue, which makes this a brand to avoid.

  • Can get a further 10% off if you sign up to their email newsletter, making it $99. Wait for the popup prompt and enter your email there, the code appears in the popup (don't sign up at the bottom of the page, as it doesn't give you the 10% off code).

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