What does actually locked-in contract phone means when you buy from Optus, Vodafone or Telstra?
Does it have any limitations, like below:
1) You can only use their network sim or you can add any other sim?
2) Can you use dual sims?
3) Can you use phone overseas with local overseas sim?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT 14/9/23 3:00PM: I would like to thank everyone for providing the information. I love how I got more genuine information from here instead of the Optus live chat. I used this information to understand better the locked-in contract and searched for more details on Optus website and what I found was that prepaid phones are network locked only and can be unlocked by paying a fee upto $80. The phones bought on postpaid plans are just in contract for repayments without any limitations, as you all mentioned. Thanks once again everyone!
Are you referring to a network-lock on the phone or are you purchasing a phone where you're locked into a contract for certain period of time? They're two very different things:
Network-lock means you can only use the phone on that single network (I thought they stopped doing this a while ago unless it was some really cheap prepaid handset).
Locked into a contract means just that - you're locked into a contract with the carrier with a minimum payment each month for service (but the phone is not necessarily locked to their network)