Searching for phones and got caught in a loop of every search showing 160 results. No search parameters set, just my phrase in the search box, this was happening for different searches "galaxy s10" and "pixel 3". So I cleared history and deleted browser cache and tried again, this time not signed in and first search yielded 230 results, so I logged in and it redirected to my search now showing 160 results again. Anyone know how to fix this? It seems eBay is too smart for it's own good. If they fixed their search and have the ability to search coupons also they would have a lot more business imo.
eBay Limiting Search Results?

Last edited 13/09/2023 - 15:57
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No filter to reset.
Thanks for making a thread on this. I've encountered it too and it's super annoying.
I haven't figured out how to get around it yet, but I've noticed a few things
1) it seems to be more prominent when your logged in. If you use chrome in incognito mode it gives you more results
2) If you look on the side of the window (PC, browser) you can see the different characteristics. In the area that gives you condition, you can see New/Used. As all listings have to be categorized as either new or used, it at least gives you a true number.Try it in incognito mode both before and after logging in.
160 results for google pixel 3a
291 results for google pixel 3aI’m guessing some items are listed on the site but sellers won’t ship to your location so they automatically get filtered out once you’re logged in (shipping location is now known).
Yes I thought this could be happening. Not sure about the constant "160" though.
"galaxy s10" - 650 results, signed in with account on edge browser
"galaxy s10" - 508 results, Private tab not signed in on edge browser
"galaxy s10" - 484 results, signed in on eBay Mobile app
No filters on any of them.
Is it even possible from PC to filter out the highest rated sellers?
"galaxy s10" - 521 results, signed in using Chrome - but it defaulted to Mobile Phones Category.
100,000+ results when I changed the category to "All".
I think it is trying to narrow down searches to more relevant hits.Searched: pixel 3 case
Australia only
Sort: Best Match
83,000+ resultsSearched: pixel 3 case
Australia only
Sort: Price + Postage Lowest
60 resultsIt does this for me but at top of results has "We've streamlined your search results to show you the best listings. See more results" which when clicked gives the extra results again (in order I have selected). Maybe your not seeing that with whatever browser/adblocker your running. (me Chrome desktop)
EDIT: Clicking it adds argument "&_blrs=recall_filtering" to URL so you could probably just add that.
Yep true.
Click on filter/ reset