Wait? A human didn't review the fine? WTF!
QLD's AI-Powered Seatbelt & Phone Detectors Incorrectly Fined 1,842 Drivers

Last edited 20/09/2023 - 10:30 by 1 other user
This has nothing to do with AI and is a programmer error with the assignment of demerit points. These people are still all guilty.
Cynical me now wonders how many ‘incorrect fines’ were just drivers not admitting what they were actually doing.
It wasn't incorrect. It was people getting double demerits incorrectly
So the fines were correct but they incorrectly applied demerits.
Seems the AI part getting it wrong is completely misleading. Typical clickbait.
Except this is totally misleading. There is no claim that those fined were misidentified. They were and are still guilty. The issue is that they were demerited under double demerits, leading to some losing their licence when they otherwise would not have. The monetry fine they got was correct.
It is not acceptable that they got incorrectly suspended, but it is not as though they were not guilty and if the same incidents had occurred during double demerit times they still would have lost their licences for the same offences.
They were demerited 8 points of their 12 instead of 4 points. That's the issue.
Thank you - saved me a rage click.
NO, the issue is that most of them were not driving dangerously are have been smashed by the government as usual. I'll accept that twits playing their phones while driving is a fair nick but someone who's seatbelt is just a teeny-tiny bit in the wrong spot is pure extortion.
I gave you an updoot not because I agree, but because your comment was the last thing I read before I checked the article, upon which I saw the photo they have there of the madlad with his seatbelt so "teeny-tiny bit in the wrong spot" that it's barely visible in the shot. I had a good giggle, so cheers for that.
I’d be willing to bet that most of the seatbelt fines are off completely, not just worn incorrectly. But sure, it’s rEvEnUE RaIsiNG!
NO, the issue is that most of them were not driving dangerously are have been smashed by the government as usual. I'll accept that twits playing their phones while driving is a fair nick but someone who's seatbelt is just a teeny-tiny bit in the wrong spot is pure extortion.
If you seatbelt is just a teeny-tiny bit in the wrong spot, can you be just a teeny bit killed?
then they need to define the margin of error. Wearing it correctly doesn't provide 100% safety, and wearing it incorrectly doesn't mean 100% fatality.
I’ll bet the do allow for a margin of error. If there’s any doubt from the camera they won’t issue a fine to save court time.
Leave the pedantic trivial excuses to the lawyers.
The Computer is always right. humans, stop fighting. Time to accept a new era
Camera powered by Absolute Imbecile, sounds about right.
"Y-you can't do this to me I'm an
AmericanQueenslander!"The least they could do is have a human review each image attached to each fine before it gets sent to the driver.
They do. If the AI detects a possible infringement of phone or seatbelt law, the image is sent for human review at the fines department.
What the Queensland government has not explained is how if that is the process, the problem could be due to some mysterious unexplained "input error" in setting up the AI. They are obviously hiding something. They are trying to evade explaining how the problem came to occur. And, so far, the media is letting them.
In the case of the thousands people who were wrongly fined, and wrongly lost their licences, it wasn't because they weren't flagged by the AI as having committed an offence, or the human reviewer didn't confirm it. It was where they were. But it somehow didn't actually meet the legal requirement for committing an offence under that law.
It may be that they were wearing a seatbelt, but someone decided it had to be done "correctly", and the law doesn't actually define that as strictly as that. And as soon as people started winning appeals in court they had to backtrack, or risk losing a lot more appeals.
The issue was to do with double demerits being issued if the passenger not wearing a seatbelt was under 16. If passengers were older it should only have been single demerits.
It also needs to be pointed out that what else relevant to this has happened lately. The Qld government increased the fine for this offence from four hundred and something dollars, to over a thousand.
I'll repeat that, OVER A THOUSAND DOLLARS.
Of course people should wear their seatbelts. Of course they should wear them properly. But the driver paying a thousand dollar fine for each person in the car the camera AI said weren't wearing their seatbelt "properly" is a lot of money for something that doesn't actually kill you, it just provides more protection if you crash. It's akin to the $1600 fines Victoria was imposing for covid offences. Utterly out of proportion.
No,it's a more than fair penalty. If the passenger wasn't wearing a belt, the driver gets pinged, and then if the passenger doesn't cough up to reimburse the driver, tough titty. Choose better passengers next time,or do what your duty of care requires of you. "Make sure the missiles are belted up." You're right it may not kill you. If your lucky you get to be a liability on the health system for decades. It's a fine for negligence.Seat belt wearers & responsible drivers should never have to fork out.
The fines you are whinging about are easily avoidable and do not impact on people putting other peoples and collective welfare front & centre.DO THE RIGHT THING
Another cash grab by a failed government.
"Another cash grab by a failed government,"**
pretty sure there's a road out and a pretty active airport that leads to an alternative location.QLD is a train wreck because it panders to entitled ethnicity on the white end of the spectrum. Blame our migration focus
QLD is a train wreck because it panders to entitled ethnicity on the white end of the spectrum.
Blame our migration focushuh?
Government open to a class action over this? People who lost jobs etc?