Subscribe to this Forum?

I'd like to subscibe to this forum and others too for that matter. Is there a subscribe/unsubscribe button that we can click to keep us up to date on new forum posts like there is on Deals and Categories?


  • Click subscribe under the report link.

    • No you're not getting me. I want to subscribe to the whole computing forum not just individual threads/topics. There's no subscribe button from what I can see :(

  • Ah, you did not say that. Don't think there is an option to do that as far as I know and you would be getting a lot of emails. You could just bookmark the computing forum and click on the 'new' tab to see the new comments.

    • Don't mind the emails I've got an email address just for ozbargain. I just like to keep up to date with topics. Ive got a bookmark alright but email alerts are easier though. Im sure it wouldn't take much to add a subscribe button to each forum. Just saying :)

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