Cheaper then the previous deal posted up;
$40 Including Free Delivery!
Sale Ends Sunday 16th September 2012 at 10:30pm or if sold out before then
Cheaper then the previous deal posted up;
$40 Including Free Delivery!
Sale Ends Sunday 16th September 2012 at 10:30pm or if sold out before then
I like this comment :)
i only have $30 on my paypal account.. make it $29 and u have me as a customer! :)
Damn right….due to logitec shop's awesome pricing…all my mice/keyboard/headset/speaker…is logitech. I don't even bother with other brands.
How low can we go?
This is the most excitement I've had all week.
Looks like FlingShot has given up LOL
Feel comfortable people we will not expire our deal we will wait until we finish the original qty as scheduled or until sold out
Flingshot got Woolworthsed! Thanks again Rep.
how many do you have in stock?
I think you king hit the flingshot guy.. he's down for the count and doesn't look like he's getting back up.. I only just started on my popcorn too…
do it one more time and ull get a load of red bulls! - enough to make u fly!
I'm considering buying one, and I don't even have an iPad!
How much stock is there?
Hoping it doesnt get ozbargained before more price drops :P i'm gonna risk it at this rate.
a) the dick measuring has stopped and
b) if you were paying attention they were refunding the price difference anyway.
Flingshot has been flung.. Come on stage a come back.. show us some guts.. I m waiting…
Guys just make sure we are checking all the orders over 2 :)
that. was. hilarious.
I bought one…now to buy an iPad!
Same here, this deal jst made an iPad worth getting now.
How is this deal getting cheaper and cheaper each time I look at it?
Wow.. Got one at $40. Love both reps… You guys are the best!!
Got one for $40 from logitech. Now have to wait and see whether they will actually deliver.. It just have to be bought..
Op change the title to $20 Delivered. refunding diff into paypal accounts.
…Just teasing you guys :)
Great battle, congrats to both reps.
down down prices are down.
If i purchase 2, can i get separate receipts?
Just order one at a time…?
Just ordered 2, one at a time method.
White version not available? There is a white one on the Logitech website.
grrr, now i have to buy myself an ipad to put this to use…
Rep, Does it come in white or just in black?
Black Only from LTS
less than 200 left, flying out the door.
Noooooo!! Had this in my cart and it went out of stock!!
Doubt 200 got sold in 5 min at this time
I beg to differ! Look at the comments below.
What is the delivery timeframe with lts?
Don't even own an iPad, bought!
Hey rep can no longer order 2?
got any that works with ipad 1.. have an ipad 1 & 2.. kinda need another keyboard for my older one now
added to cart, when i'm finisihing it's says out of stock, i'm desperate to get it.
System still shows 51 remaining.
i placed it REP , thank you.
Dammit ozbargained in my cart :-(
Risked further price drops and failed :P
Out of stock
out of stock
Shouldn't be 43 remaining
Yep page refresh and it was back. .. you trimmed down some multiples?
Also it didn't even push this item into the Top Sellers … a manualy made page or ranked by all time?
multiples are being culled and the process team will still pick some up i bet, camon 2 at that price is awesome enough :))))
Thanks BC got one
refreshed page and it says in stock!!!
i cant believe the site held through this. wow
I just completed check out fine, thanks!
refunds still in process, if you don't see it immediately for some we are still going through them. if by any chance a diff is missed and not done by Monday, just email [email protected] and they will fix it quicksmart. but it looks like all refunds for diff are going through fine.
Thank you for this. Bought 1.
Trying to pay via paypal at the last step and get
Error Message
Unable to process payment. Please contact the merchant as the mailing address provided by the merchant is invalid, and the merchant has requested that your order must be shipped to that address.
try different browser quick less than 20 left
Ordered :-)
Ordered 2 :P
ordered but how do we choose the white version.
Also does any know if it will work with other devices like android?
LTS dont have the white version i believe.
otherwise i would of ordered 1 x Black and 1 x White.
Correct me if i'm wrong.
it shows one color on my system for the promo.
Does it workings with snapshield on rears with ipad III (new gens)?
I mean the keyboard
bought, dont even own any ipad :hammer:
Out of Stock now…
Just in the nick of time.
Got 1 as well
PS. your CSS seems all screwed up with the side menu coming below the content area. Never used to be like that.
Yeah i just emailed the developers to look at it .
Sold out, congratulations to all bargain hunters. And once again thank you for all your support.
Wow had one in my Cart and by the time I went to checkout it was sold out :(
There aren't any more left from duplicate orders Bargaincrypt?
3 different internet browsers, all the same error message when proceeding with check out with paypal, disappointing.
clear your cache and cookies?
Reboot PC?
na but did try with browser on ipad after trying on pc
I got that trying to order on my iPad (lol).
By the time my PC had booted it sold out!!!
Thanks, another xmas pressie sorted.
Anybody willing to resell for 50? @_@
Maybe, if it doesnt fit with my ipad 3 and snapshield we have a deal.
alrighty sweet ^_^ contact me if you are gunna sell
well i think i am the lucky last , even it said Sold Out but i keep refreshing the page and i came back in stock, order in 30s and it's gone . Hope they dont cancel my order though :)
grrrr too late!
I wanted one!… can we get a similar deal on this? For the android folk!
oh man just woke up this morning to find a refund of $29.. and to think ive been contemplating buying this for $85 delivered yesterday.. OZBARGAIN you've done it again ..
oh and thanks to LTS..
Damn went to bed early last night and missed these deals :(
Same! I thought I had 8 days to order the Flingshot one — by the time I woke up the price had almost halved from a Price War and it was now sold out at both Flingshot and LGS! Darn :(
It's not sold out at Flingshot! The rep just decided to end the offer after a price battle between him and LTS.
from Flingshot's deal :" Update 4: At this point you are better off buying from LTS, please email us if you would like a full refund so you can purchase from them."
Exactly, we processed all the refunds last night except for one person who just emailed us, so we had all the original stock just sitting there looking for a decent home.
good stuff, im curious how many units Flingshot and LTS wouldve sold .. dont be surprised if these pop up on ebay for a profit ?
i cant believe i missed all of this… the deal and the action..
Same. That'll teach me to leave the house on a Saturday night
Flingshot has this for $35 now, good hunting to you!
aahh i missed it again! lol
lol $35 now from flingshot! do we get $5 refund from LTS?
unfortunatly our price is $40 INCLUDING DELIVERY., so Flingshot well done.
For the record we were $35 including delivery.
Omg..So cheap
With Apple's likely hood to alter the connector on the next iPad, most stores will be trying to offload all this old stock before it's too late!
At logitechshop we always bring you excitement :)