This was posted 1 year 5 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Philips Air Purifier 800i $179 New Customer Only (RRP $299) + Delivery ($0 C&C) [Bonus FY0293/30 Filter Worth $69] @ Bing Lee

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Good value for this little air purifier, with an extra filter available through redemption.

Compared to the older 800 model (AC0819/73), the new 800i model (AC0850/70) has an additional Active Carbon layer to eliminate odors. Otherwise, they appear nearly identical.

Overall, it seems to be one of the better choices in its price range with good room coverage and reasonable filter replacement costs.


  • 3-stage filtration system with pre-filter, activated carbon filter, and HEPA filter for efficient air purification.
  • Covers up to 49 sqm room area and delivers clean air at a rate of 190 m³/hr.
  • Features 4 fan speeds, including a silent mode, and a filter replacement indicator for convenience.
  • Compact and portable design allows for easy placement in various spaces in your home or office.
  • Certified by the European Centre for Allergy Research Foundation (ECARF) for allergy-friendly air purification.


Free filter promotion available on purchases made between 31/07/23 to 30/09/23 or while stocks last. Must be redeemed online from Philips by 5pm 28/10/23. Conditions apply. Visit for full terms and conditions.

This is part of Father's Day deals for 2023.

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closed Comments

  • .why do people need this? is it for people with asthma or some respiratory illness?

    • +15

      Yes and also to clean the air in general if there's pollutants in the air. For myself, I use it when there's bad air quality like from the back burning or bushfires, and when i clean the room and it gets really dusty.

      • +5

        Well said - it cleans the air.

        I use one daily living near smoking neighbours. Before they moved it, I used it mostly from Sept until March to help with pollens in the air. It was great for my hayfever.

    • +3

      The back-burning smoke is choking, and also for renovation pollutions.

    • +4

      this helps my allergy and sinus. I have 5 air purifiers for 4 bedrooms home and they run 24/7. clean the filter every 2 months. you will be surprised how much dust is collected.

      • Does it weight much on your electricity bill?

        How do you clean the filter? Just vaccum and air duster?


        • +2

          i think each only run between 15-25w. i use the rediwipe (just google search) to wrap on the air intake side of the filter. so the filter is cleaned all the time. i havent replaced any filter for the last 3 years. just replace the rediwipe every 2-3 months regularly. i also use the rediwipe for kitchen exhaust grill so it will trap all the oil.

          • @dtingy: Are rediwipes wet/damp?
            Can I use baby wipes instead?

            • +1

              @Lord Ra: its dry and approx 32cm x 33cm. baby wipes way too small unless you can align a few in good position.

          • @dtingy: Do you buy any specific brand rediwipe.

            • +1

              @venusozb: Blue text box will do. The red one is silk.

    • +1

      Hazard burns.

    • +2

      one for asthma and to prepare for future bushfires, its not even summer yet and i can smell the smoke outside

    • Its definitely good for the past few days since back burning started.

    • Some people live in cities. Look up the effect of air pollution on IQ.

    • Bushfire season is coming…..

  • For a small air purifier the ikea Foernuftig is very good value. Filters are cheap, the unit can be wall mounted, and the mechanical dial means it can be plugged into a smart plug/timer for schedules. Although this Phillips one seems to be true hepa, has IoT connectivity and seems to be able to detect particles on "auto" mode.

  • The 1000i is better value

    • What's the difference between 800i and 1000i? Seems like the 1000i is very new, I can't find any reviews yet.

      • Higher CADR, however I can’t find the details on CADR per setting.

      • ~ 200

  • This Philips Purifier or Sunbeam Fresh Protect Air Purifier?

  • Suitable for a smaller room with a FDM 3D Printer when printing "exotic" materials?

  • -5

    I'll probably get cancelled (again) for pointing this out, but i smoked for 35 years, now exercise besides busy roads (probably being driven past by people who will cancel this, on their way home to their new air cleaning toy) and im still here breathing the same atmosphere as most of you

    These things are the printer of the living room, cheap buy in and keep you coming back for refills, only no ink in them….

    For people with legit asthma/allergies, fair enough, but anyone else, why?

    I mean we have infinite power and fossil fuels to burn… why not, right?

    • +1

      well, honestly I can tell the difference, I sleep better with it, especially true when pollen season.

      I mean your house is probably full of AirCon, why not using fans and opening the windows during the night?

      • -1

        no aircon here, i dont live in a McMansion

    • +2

      You're not looking at this in the right way I'm afraid. Smoking or air pollution increases your chances of developing serious diseases such as cancer. Your personal anecdote is completely irrelevant in measuring the effects.

      If you look at overall statistics, air pollution is linked to about 3,200 preventable deaths per year. It's also linked to reduced life expectancy.….

      • -4

        my exclusive self polling reveals maybe voting for a political party that deny climate change and tells you not to be afraid of coal for over a decade, wasting a decade, would have been better than reading anything printed by The Conversation, where everyone with a differing view gets cancelled. Just quietly also a known fave site of Liberal types…because they cast their "truths" into a captive audience/vacuum

        • +1

          Why are you bringing politics into this? This is about science, either air pollution is bad for you or it's not. If you're basing your decision on "I've done all these bad things to my lungs and I haven't got cancer so far" then you're doing it wrong.

  • How long does the filter last before require replacement?

  • Does this do the ozone stuff?

    • +1

      No ozone or ionization thankfully

  • Could someone provide a copy of their receipt?

  • JB "price-matched" to $209 via chat as it was OOS

    • It's back in stock, so JB matched it at $199 for me today.

  • +1

    Back again and get one before the bush fire reduction…

    $179 + a filter + immediate stock

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