This was posted 1 year 6 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Lee Kum Kee Gold Label Soy Sauce 1.75L $5.95 / Han Kitchen Instant Noodles 468-476g $5.25 @ Woolworths

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Two half price deals from the Moon Festival section in the upcoming catalogue. The soy sauce and noodles have both been popular in the past.

Other notable deals:

  • $5 Bulla 2L Creamy Classics
  • $13.75 Energizer AA 16 or AAA 14
  • $1.72 Fantastic Fresh Noodles 450g

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closed Comments

  • +1

    LKK Soy Sauce is half priced now, not a good option, though.

    • what would you recommend instead?

      • Kikkoman

        • what's the difference? Kikkoman seems to be very salty

          • @louuisc: Soysauce tends to be very salty. Kikkoman is a decent budget all purpose soy sauce. If you've a fancy palate, then you'll be buying different types for different recipes (dark or strong is less salty, light is more salty, general purpose is in between).

  • +14

    Wouldn't grab this one, has a bunch of additives including high fructose corn syrup.

    • About to say the same. This soya sauce is waaay too salty !

    • +4

      I would only ever use this for a marinade. Kikkoman is my go to soy sauce otherwise.

      • Same I use Kikkoman as my main Soy sauce.

    • +1

      Ho Lee Fuk

      • There's a nice restaurant in Central in Hong Kong named Ho Lee Fook lol

  • +18

    Don't buy this, it is garbage. Better to buy the Lee Kum Kee Premium Soy Sauce

    Lee Kum Kee Premium ingredients
    Water, Soybeans (17.5%), Salt, Sugar, Wheat Flour. Contains Soy, Wheat, Gluten.

    Lee Kum Kee Gold ingredients
    Water, Salt, Soybeans (9%), Flavour Enhancer (621, 631, 627), Wheat, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Colour (150a), Preservative (202), Sweetener (955). Contains Soybeans, Wheat.

    If you do a side by side smell. You will know how bad the Gold is compared to the Premium.

    • +3

      Premium 1.75l on Amazon for $8.30 but need to buy 2 minimum..Don't drink it all at once.

    • Does the Premium one go on discount?

      • I believe it is half price now.

    • Lee Kum Kee is just bad. so much additives, might as well call it chemical sauce.

      Get this instead:…

      INGREDIENTS: Water, Defatted Soy Beans (22%), Wheat, Salt.

    • Thanks for the heads up. I like the Premium but never noticed the crappy Gold version before and might have bought it by mistake.

    • +1

      621 = msg

      • +2

        MSG isn't bad. It's found naturally in Tomatos and Mushrooms for one.

        • +2

          The problem isn't whether MSG is good or bad. If you think MSG is bad, you shouldn't consume soy sauce in the first place.

          The problem is that soy sauce should NEVER contain ADDED MSG. MSG is found naturally in soy sauce as a byproduct of soy bean fermentation (fermenting glucose results in some msg and some alcohol, the exact ratio between them depending on the microbes used by the manufacturers). Sometimes you might find no alcohol, as post-production, they may sterilize before bottling, resulting in the alcohol evaporating away.

          Soy sauce is effectively bottled liquid MSG.

          If they had to ADD MSG, then they didn't produce soy sauce. They produced dark saline solution and then faked soy sauce by adding the MSG.

          Soy sauce with ADDED MSG is akin to 4.5% beer containing ADDED alcohol (i.e. failed to produce alcohol during brewing, so mixed some in afterwards to get it to 4.5% and call it beer).

    • lee kum kee garbage too

      Buy haday which is the best you could find in supermarkets. Dont just refer to ingredients when it comes to soy.

  • +1

    Whats the difference between Chinese, Korean or Japanese soy sauce?

    • +6…

      TLDR: Chinese - all soy, short brew, sugar added. Japanese - soy, wheat, koji (bacteria), long brew time. Korean - Brine, variety of other things.

    • -3

      Conceptually nothing is different. In all cases, soysauce is the discarded by-product of soy paste (more commonly referred to by its Japanese variant miso in Australia). Because some of the biggest Japanese manufacturers use stale bread in conjunction with soy beans (incl kikkoman) when producing miso, the varieties containing wheat has become synonymous with Japanese soy. However the premium (read: expensive) japanese soy sauce (and miso paste) don't contain wheat either.

      But never buy soy sauce with added msg (like this one in the deal). Msg is a natural substance produced during the soy paste fermentation process. If they had to add msg separately, you know they didn't ferment the sauce properly.

      • -1

        Conceptually, you are what you eat, so everything you just said is garbage.

        • Can't even specify any part that's wrong, can you? Just because you don't like what's been said, doesn't make it untrue mate.

          • @jkim: Everything after your first sentence is correct, but prefacing it with "conceptually, nothing is different" is what I was joking about. I was just being facetious.

            • -1

              @NoApostrophePlurals: Even that first sentence is correct. There's nothing wrong with it. Did you require me to repeat the context, when it should have been self-evident? "Conceptually, nothing is different between Chinese, Korean or Japanese soy sauce…" does that satisfy your facetiousness?

              • -3

                @jkim: Man, you really got butthurt. Conceptually, you're no different to a piece of sh*t. I'm out lolol. No need to reply, won't read.

  • +1

    This stuff is absolutely disgusting. Couldn't pay me to use this stuff.

  • +7

    How is soy sauce even related to Moon Festival??? Woolies need to hire proper agency to manage cultural nuances.

    • -2

      I do love seeing all this moon festival stuff with Japanese products, when Japanese new year is Jan 1st.

      • +1

        Except the moon festival has nothing to do with any type of new year.

    • -1

      Why bother when the manufacturers themselves don't? i.e. They haven't bothered to state whether this is light (for flavour) or dark (for colour).

      • -1

        It doesn't say dark or light, so it is neither. This is just standard all purpose soy sauce. Should it be labeled "non-light, non-dark soy sauce"?

      • Are you replying to the right thread?
        Woolies are marketing Moon Festival, not the manufacturer. Woolies even included rendang paste under moon festival. Clearly ignorant on Woolies part.

  • +2

    If Kikkoman is out of my budget then I go Coles.

    Kikko - Water, Soybeans (18%), Wheat, Salt. Contains 3.2% alcohol v/v, from the natural brewing process.

    Coles Asia Soy - Water, Defatted Soy Beans (22%), Wheat, Salt.

  • -3

    I do not buy them anymore. Made in China?

    • +1

      They used to say Made in Hong Kong on the label, but I noticed it's 'made in China' these days.
      I don't know if it's still made in HK — maybe Great Leader Pooh insisted on the change from HK to China on the label.

      • -1

        Oo I never thought of that. I don't mind HK but mainland no go for food.

      • The address seems made in mainland China.

    • +3

      Don’t want those Chinese condiments coming from China

      • -4

        Even Chinese people living in China don't like buying products made in China.

        • lol since when.?

          • @Retarded Lunatic: Since china made baby formula and china made pet food started killing babies and their pets

            • @illusion99: only those products they buy o/s that's about it why do you think chemist warehouse ships overseas to china direct..- majority support local.

              your generalization is bollocks…

              • @Retarded Lunatic: Yeah Chinese folks love drinking their tap water. Oh wait, they don't.

                And they don't cross the border just to buy baby formula. Oh wait, they do.

  • I only realised today that some soy sauces have up to 6.5% alcohol v/v! This is much more than I ever would have imagined.

  • With soy sauce you get what you pay for. LKK produces some top grade premium soy sauce. Go to an Asian grocer and look for the most expensive LKK

  • Celebrating Moon Festival without Mooncake and Chinese product…?Genius marketing…

  • -2

    Not sure if this helps but I've had Lee Kee Bum before and would highly recommend a personal bathroom

  • This thread is all about soy sauce lol. Btw the Hans kitchen noodles are nice :)

  • Interesting. Coles don't sell either gold or premium in 1.75L

  • Japanese Yamasa soy sauce is the most bang for the buck with no added additives. You can find them in major asian grocery stores. From memory they come in 1L or 1.8L

  • +7

    OzBargain. Come for the bargains. Stay for the in depth discussions about the best ingredients/brand for soy sauce.

  • Budae is really really great Korean instant noodle, I've posted on my youtube channel how I cook as a Korea live in Melbourne who lovemelbourne.

    I will get 2 packs tomorrow from Woolworths.

  • +1

    I bathe in it to make myself black

    • +1

      I've heard that Micheal Jackson used to bathe in Dulux Vivid White Low sheen.

  • Korean Sempio 501, beautiful flavour, all purpose soy sauce. Sempio 701, distinct flavour, also great for all purpose use. Sometimes I dilute 701 with cooking wine/sake, as required.

  • I recently discovered Maggi seasoning sauce and it's a game changer. I think that's the one they used in Viet Rolls.

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