Thought I would post some great deals from a fantastic Tasmanian company that I've bought most of my outdoor gear from over the years. They have great prices on old season stock and even have 20% full priced items using the code "FINDINGMYFEET" for first time buyers.
They have two physical stores in Launceston and Hobart.
Standard Delivery $9.95
Express Delivery $24.95
Other notable Arc'teryx items of interest
* $280 Arcteryx Atom LT Hoody (Men's) Fluidity)( only Small available
* $280 Arcteryx Atom LT Hoody (Men's) Oracle( only Small available
* $280 Arcteryx Atom Hoody (Women's) Fika/Spark( all sizes available
* $260 Arcteryx Atom LT Jacket (Women's) Black( only Medium and Large available
* $400 Arcteryx Cerium Hoody (Men's) Oracle( all sizes available
* $400 Arcteryx Cerium Hoody (Men's) Phenom( all sizes available
* $400 Arcteryx Cerium Hoody (Women's) Labyrinth( only Medium and Large available
* $400 Arcteryx Cerium Hoody (Women's) Synth( only Small available
Other notable brands and items of interest
* $175 Fjallraven Greenland Top 20L Backpack (Unisex) Green Camo(
I was going to post Patagonia and TNF items but I've seen Rushfaster, Anaconda and David Jones with better discounts at times.
Great deals which don't come around often…. cerium hoody was recently $464 on official arcteryx website. Great find op