Does anyone know of a bank that allows account to be overdrawn for at least 3 days
Have been using nab but they reversed direct debit after 1 day so now have to pay dishonour fee to credit card
Does anyone know of a bank that allows account to be overdrawn for at least 3 days
Have been using nab but they reversed direct debit after 1 day so now have to pay dishonour fee to credit card
So don't use direct debit?
i like it for the set and forget
A couple of hundred bucks earning interest for one day? What are you planning to spend that 6 cents on?
good rates your offering..
brah you have to keep it in there for the whole year as a backup, its more like $5 or $3.50 after tax. Could buy half a big mac for that!
i think anz and stgeorge lets you
looks like they apply fees unfortunately
So you're after a free overdraft account? Have you looked at NAB?
Edit: well looks like you already have. Go Google free overdraft account
Does anyone know of a bank that allows account to be overdrawn for at least 3 days
Most have fees when you overdrawn them, so just put some money it in instead.
looks like its just nab and up with one day overdraw
they allow a small window for funds to cross over, but if you have to time it under 24 hours to avoid paying fees, Then is it really worth the hassle?
would help with the timing of when i get paid and due date for credit card or if something happened to me and unable to transfer funds, just a nice feature to have
just a nice feature to have
A nice to have feature is called a 'buffer'. If you are living pay to pay, then you'll be in a world of pain down the track if something happens.
Sounds like you really want a credit card, 55 days interest free ;)
Sounds like you want a credit card…?
I've had ANZ overdraft for many years.. Rarely use it but I don't get charged fees unless I actually fall into negative.
ANZ bank account do have overdraft facility for a few hundred dollar, but I think there was a monthly fee for it. I think I have cancelled that service long time ago and use a credit card instead if needed.
I worked for a bank a long time ago… you needed to apply for an overdraft, too.
Overdraft has interest…
OP you seriously didn't think a bank was going to give a pleb an interest free loan?
its fine if it has interest, only 3 days it would amount to like a $1
Thought you plan to have the money in BOQ for interest; overdraft interest is much higher than saving account interest? why bother?
Not the brightest
alright so i keep my savings in boq then transfer to another bank account to pay credit statement when due, im just wanting an overdrawn safety net for the off chance there a mismatch of savings to save me getting slugged dishonour fee with credit card
@Hvrd: Holy crap what a complicated and stupid setup.
You use BOQ which says:…
Simply deposit $1,000 into your linked Everyday Account from an external bank account (cash and cheque deposits excluded) and make 5 or more eligible transactions (settled, not pending).
Then you do or want to do:
BOQ -> Credit Card -> pay for stuff
BOQ -> NAB or something overdraft -> Pay for stuff
BOQ -> make 5 transactions
Which begs the most obvious question:
Why are you not just using…
Wait… Are you trying to pay the Credit Card with an overdraft?
Because if not, I can't figure out why you'd do all this.
@Hvrd: Which Credit Card?
But also, just pay with BPay.
I think I see what's going on here.
NAB -> Credit Card Automatically
OP wants the automatic transaction to always work, even when it doesn't have enough money. (Fair enough)
CBA accounts can have an overdraft facility. Not sure if there's a set-up cost.
its $10 per day if overdrawn with all big banks except nab
Nope CBA is $15 for the month if you overdraw more than $15 during the month, but if overdrawn less than that there is no fee, only the interest.
NAB will allow my account to have a negative balance of about -$100 and still process direct debits.
Only fee is an "unapproved overdraft" fee.
The interest is double. The OP would be better off having the funds in the account. I also use NAB for the payment of my AMEX CC's. Often the payment is not deducted until up to 3 days after the date on the AMEX statement so I check every day and then transfer the funds when actually deducted.
True, interest is high but an overdraft will never be free although maybe cheaper than a dishonour fee.
I am currently working in the finance industry, be very careful when you overdrawn and got dishonour, it marked against your credit worthiness, if you are going for a loan within the next few months because most financiers will require a bank statement for 3 or 6 months and if they see too many dishonours listed on your bank statement they will decline your application for Non satisfactory banking conduct.
yeah ive decided to open a Macquarie transaction account with good interest and just keep topping that up
You could just put some money in the account instead?