Any one got a Melbourne Royal Full or Restricted Membership for 2023?
I was looking at the Exclusive Member Benefits page and came across this:
As a valued Melbourne Royal member you will enjoy complimentary admission for you and a guest* to the 2023 Melbourne Royal Show including discounted car parking*, access to Members’ dining and hospitality areas and much more.
Looking at the above line, I am assuming that if I have Full or Restricted Membership, a guest can accompany me to the show on 2 or 11 days (depending on membership type) without the need to pay for a ticket for the guest. Am I correct in assuming this?
Yes, that is correct.
There used to be a similar benefit for RASV members too (not sure how everything works since the rebrand), but I used to know people who were members of the then RASV and they would offer their guest passes to us all the time, as long as it wasn’t on a day they wanted to go.