Just came across this Letshuoer S12 which is currently on disccount once applying $50 Coupon.
Not the lowest price but decent pricing if you looking for one.
Both the Silver and Grey has the same discount.
Just came across this Letshuoer S12 which is currently on disccount once applying $50 Coupon.
Not the lowest price but decent pricing if you looking for one.
Both the Silver and Grey has the same discount.
Wait until theresa a great deal on top tier IEMs, then you might say I want an upgrade lol
Nah i don't want to get anywhere near that rabbit hole. :P. I'll stick with the S12pro's and the Sennheiser HD560s's that i already have. Don't need anything more! At least that's what i'm telling myself at the moment.
For IEM, I won't suggest you buy another one. For headphones, you might want to try in store some high end versions. I have HD800 and I am happy with them, play them every once in a while and then put them back lol No can rolling for me. I have done tube rolling and spent so much money. Not anymore.
@sqheaven: Nah sticking with what i have. Getting anything higher end would probably require a new, better amp as well so i'll stick with what i have.
new, better amp
nah. $15 genuine dongles get you 98% there, select $50-150 USB dacamps get you 99.99%. anything more is mostly wishful thinking unless you have like 12 years old ears and live in an faraday cage anechoic chamber.
@xrailgun: Which dac/amps you reccomend at that price point. I convinced myself to get the ifi zen dac, which is more expensive but I wanted the true bass feature they have to warm up my focal elegia and he400
@ninnypoop: that's decent. i like the fiio K3 for the balanced output and ease of connectivity. You can check if there are other well-reviewed/cheaper units with true balanced output.
They are right on the edge of being harsh to the ears but they give amazing detail
RIP to your ears
Great, great IEM even with the normal price. This deal is a definite, absolutely, without-a-doubt no-brainer.
I ha r the blon bl03 from a few years back but could never find good ear buds that actually fit my ear snug.
Any suggestions?
Just bought the Hexas and some spinfit W1 tips, they sound amazing. Neutral but with some good bass extension. Very clear, not sibilant at all. And much better from my PC (taichi MOBO has a higher end DAC/amp) than my pixel 7.. looking into the qudelix 5k now..
Was looking at the s12 Pro but was worried about the harsh high end and metallic planner sound. Had some Hifiman 4xx and found the sound to be too bright/energetic/metallic. Worried the s12 Pro would have a similar sound?
Also, the s12 Pro is $249 with a $46 discount on amazon at the moment. So $203…
Which represents better value, the S12 at $179 or the S12 Pro at $203?
I've got the S12 pro's and LOVE them. They are right on the edge of being harsh to the ears but they give amazing detail. Bass is awesome too. Definitely not an audio expert but i don't think i need anything more than these.