This was posted 12 years 5 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Domino's - 3 Traditional $15 Pickup


26258 - FREE garlic bread with any pizza (exp 16/9)
67156 - $15.00 - 3 Traditional Pickup
06488 - $7.95 - Traditional Pickup
06581 - $6.95 - Value Range Pickup
36919 - $5.95 - 2 Choc Lava cake Add to order (min $20)
94900 - $12.95 - Traditional Delivered (min $20)
71609 - $11.95 - Value Range Delivered (min $20)

Edit: No more Free Garlic bread, but other codes still working.

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closed Comments

  • Time for family pizza frenzy :D

  • See the Dominoes Hawaiian pizza thread as well:

  • +2

    Blocked Arteries and loose motion
    here we come.

    • -1

      if you feel something runny
      and you need to go to the dunny
      diarrhea.. diarrhea..

  • Thank you for the voucher codes :). Helped our lunch.

  • -4

    PIZZA! OI!!
    PIZZA! OI!!

    • -3

      you know how I know your gay?

      • +3

        cos he puts the X in Xtremeeeeee?

      • +4

        Hah! Homophobia. Cool.

      • +3

        You know how I know YOU'RE really bad at spelling?

        • -3

          Do you know how I know that you have poor grammar skills?

  • good finding. having pizza now

  • 29915 + 90312 + 05303

    Stack in a few more garlic breads.

    However having bought 2 premium pizza and 2 garlic bread for $14 this week they weren't too impressed but still followed through

  • +7

    Value range + 26258 + 29915 + 90312 + 05303 = Pizza + 4 free garlic breads!

    • -3

      Free? Ask your arteries if they're free.

    • +1

      thanx mate, I've just ordered a traditional pizza with 4 free garlic breads for $7.95! Cool

      • My mother went to pick them up and they only gave her 1 garlic bread!!!!!!!! I am so upset now.

        • Which domino store?

        • Morrayfield QLD 4510

        • don't know why you get negged, this site is about bargains you'd think they were trying to encourage stuff like paying full retail for the most expensive brands. Seems abit snooty to me.

  • 1 premium 1 traditional + 3 free garlic bread = $14!
    91359 (traditional $5.95/premium $8.95) + garlic voucher codes

    • Or supreme on white -mushroom -oregano -capsicum + free range chicken breast (x2) + 4 free garlic breads = $6.95

      • how come, which codes did u use?

        • No code just select the 'supreme on white' when selecting a pizza and enter 26258,29915,90312,05303

  • +4

    I'm getting 5 garlic breads free with every order with these codes:
    Free with Pizza order - 05303
    Free with online order - 29915 , 90312 , 26258 , 41766

    • +1

      man, should have told me earlier. I ordered already… only 4 free garlic breads :(

      • I posted them immediately after scouring the web for the codes. Got some from OCAU and here then I compiled them into one comment ASAP.

    • +3

      Wouldn't let me use the code for 5 garlic breads, after the 4th, it charged me for the last one after entering the code.

  • Anyone know if the garlic breads are decent if frozen and reheated in the oven later?

  • +1

    You can order garlic bread and no pizza! (For $0.00)

    • +1

      Yes. If you use the 4 codes of the bottom line in my comment above. However, the store might refuse to serve you as one of the terms of the code is "with any purchase".

      • you could always place two seperate orders if you're getting two pizza like this
        one pizza + four garlic breads
        one pizza + four garlic breads
        = me, my wife and my 4 kids eating pizza and garlic bread for like $12.
        That would make my day and probably cause one of the employees to put some type of bodily fluid in our food. But then again they make the system I only use it.

  • +3

    Ordered the traditional pizza before with 4 garlick bread for 7 bucks. I have to say, the guy that served me that the counter, his face was priceless.

  • Tonight's order 78338 Traditional Pickup $6.95 (valid until 21/10) plus 4 breads.

  • Got this tonight, thanks for sharing. I'll return the favour

    98494 - 2 Sides for $5 with pizza purchase (1.25L, Garlic Bread, CGarlic Bread, Oven Chips, Belgian Lava Cake).

  • Nice work op. thx. Perfect Friday night treat.

  • Enjoying 3 large pizzas 3 garlic breads for $15 as I write.

    • +2

      If you have to write while having pizza, you're not really enjoying it then are you? :p

  • +2

    For $20 I got…

    4 free garlic breads
    3 custom pizzas ($15)
    2 choc lava cakes ($5)
    and a totally full fa-mi-ly

    Take that 12 days of christmas and thanks a ton OP :D

    • +1

      Wow! He's set the benchmark guys, who can do better than that?!

    • What does OP mean?

      • +1

        Original Poster, which in this instance was kumak, but sometimes people here also use it to mean the Original Post (the deal itself).

        • +1

          Thanks, I have been thinking about the same question. I used to think it mean ozbargain person. Wish there is a place where you could search for the meaning of all abbreviations used.

        • +1

          No worries, I guess it could mean ozbargain person too :)

          Most common abbreviations you can google and whenever you're unsure just ask, most are happy to share what they know.

  • $6.95 chicken on white ;) with 5 free garlic breads… Thanks!

    Do we know the Free GB expiry dates?

    PS not a fan of the creme sauce… Back to BBQ!

    • I had the same, except I swapped the capsicum for seasoned chicken.

  • I ordered a couple pizzas and 4 garlic breads.
    When I got there they said they were out of garlic bread so instead they gave me 2 cheesey garlic breads and a drink, pretty happy with that.
    Thanks for the codes, guys.

  • nice deal.. 3 pizzas( 1 traditional + 2 designa pizzas with chickensss ) + 4 garlic breads for $15 only.. hahaha

  • +3


    I am new here so cannot submit the deal for 24hrs. please somebody do it.

    code used : 71872

    Then added free garlic codes : 29915,90312,05303 and 41766

    Hence got 4 garlic breads and a traditional pizza in $6.95 pick up

    Works for any traditional pizza. Pick up

    Can try to add a 5th garlic bread for free with 26258.

    Confirmed in Victoria.

  • Used 67156 3 times in one order for 9 pizzas @ $5 each. Great :D

    (Shame I didn't think to get the free garlic bread as well!)

  • Is this valid in all states? Was told not valid in WA by a rude storeperson.

    • Order online,if the codes are accepted you then pay by cc then drive down and collect,they can't really knock you back then.

      • That's what I did (selected to pay cash at store rather than by cc), but he refused to honour the order. Said it was only valid in the Eastern states!!

        • Just pay by cc online and he won't be able to refuse but in the off chance he still does then just remind him you've already paid for it so deal is done.Or if you don't want the drama try another store.

  • Mmm pizza

  • +1

    What on earth are you guys doing with 5 garlic breads?

    • No idea 4 garlic bread got finished off in 24 hours.. putting any up into the freezer was merely wishful thinking

  • Almost +100 now. $15 for three pizzas and garlic breads looks like a really good Deal.

  • My local place also substituted one g.b. with a cheesy bread because they had everyone using the free codes!

    G.bread was ok. Thanks, kumak!
    One more + to get you the ton. :)

  • works! love it :)

  • 6 Pizzas and 3 Garlic bread for $30, very nice!

  • I had planned to use this deal for dinner on Monday night….and just worked out it's valid until tonight. Epic meal deal fail.

    • Only the Free garlic bread expired on 16/9. The other codes are still working.

  • Thanks OP!

  • Thanks OP!

  • Thanks OP!

  • Thanks!

  • why you now work garlic bread!

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