Daughter requires all 4 wisdow teeth removed. Went to specialist and was quoted $2800 for the actual removal(not including hospital and any other costs). Wanting to get a gauge if that figure is high or in the ballbark. When we enquired with out PHI, it appears we dont have any cover for the actual removal of teeth as its covered under Extras. Seems they would only cover about $800 odd of that anyway and they siggusted the quoted removal cost was quite high. Since most surgeons arent big on giving out the price of removal over the phone, figured i would ask here to see if anyone in Vic has recently gotten any quotes to see if we are paying to much and need to shop around. I say Vic as we got the impression from the person we spoke to at our PHI that prices can vary from state to state.
She is going in under general and excess would be covered since our cover doesnt charge for kids. So it would be balance of removal and whatever OOP there is for anesthesia and other costs that may crop up.
Any advise appreciated.
2.5-3 was my quotes even 10 years ago I think the one I ended up going with was more like 3.5….going under general , half day in a day clinic. So 2.8 I think is reasonable considering it’s 2023 and inflation is through the roof.