Other colours and some teles are also available:
At least $500 cheaper than the street price, from a reputable store.
Other colours and some teles are also available:
At least $500 cheaper than the street price, from a reputable store.
I still remember an article on Fender reaching historical revenue records at the beginning of the COVID. How time flies!
First guitar purchase in 10 years, was looking at this or an SG yesterday for some Black Sabbath vibes. Thanks OP!
have you lost your mind? can you see or are you blind?
Nice pick up. Not a Fender fan myself, but if one is, that's a great deal. Musos Corner are fantastic to deal with too.
I’ve got a Dean V - a far cry from my thrash metal roots, but I really want to cap off a trio of guitars. Classic, Thrash, and Jazz.
Hope the Fender meets Classic and Jazz perfectly to save a 3rd purchase :)
Got to have a Strat of some sort in the inventory if playing Classic Rock. And that's a rather nice one. = ]
I see what you did there. But did you? ;p
FYI - shipping was $39 additional but no big deal
Showing as out of stock now
Damn that's an insane price!
I'm a simple man. I see a guitar deal on OzB, I upvote! P.s insanely good deal. I'd definitely grab one if I didn't own one already
Lots of other great guitars for crazy prices, just search fender and sort in stock.
Grabbed a Maple Neck. Thank you :)
missed it…..
That May (4th) explain the sluggish website.
I want the pink PRS24 but got outvoted by my wife :-)
divorce wife, get guitar!
Terrible solution - it's not like I don't have other guitars, but I have no other wife :-)
Marry your guitars!
Superstars don't do the dishes
I nearly bought it this morning too! The photos don't do the colour justice
Unusually, their website is running at the speed of molasses flowing UP a wall at the moment. Getting hit pretty hard by bargain hunters I expect. = ]
Where da Jagstangs at
I remember the old ads for this place. 🎶Musos Corner, No1 National Park Street. 🎶
I'm waiting for Chinese Professional for 1/3 price ;)
I saw the Fender Custom Shop Strat for $4,5k. Pretty much how much it goes for in secondhand market. If only I had the spare $$$ to splurge :')
Yeah, some of the top-end stuff was available (well, probably still is :-) for GREAT prices
Oooh man I have just bought the squier 40th anniv strat for $638 two weeks ago, they have it for $499. My luck
Great guitar for the price btw… go grab them!
I'm going to be the bearer of bad news…
No difference between a Mexican working in an American factory vs a Mexican working in a Mexican factory.
The difference is so subtle unless you gig or on stage there is no reason to even get a custom shop anymore.. id save the $300 and get a Player Plus and pay the $300 to get it setup and frets crowned as you're going to pay the $300 anyway.
Well, I paid $2400 for a Miami blue AM Pro II last year, to me the difference is there. The tremolo arm, tremolo block, pickups, fancy switches, rolled fretboard, rounded neck heel, rosewood and the list goes on.
There's basically no difference in craftsmanship. The difference is the manufacturer needs to have higher and lower-tier products with different features. The higher tier happens to be the US-made.
I have the player plus in Belair Blue.
Same bridge -0036449049 , rounded fretboard with rolled edges, has different pick ups - noiseless as used on the custom shop, square neck heel, Pau Ferro not rosewood, switches are the same.
Player plus is $2099 new but can be had for $1300.
Ultra Strat vs Player Plus:
Every guitar picked up chosen to be better was the Player Plus.
No, you're going to be the bearer of your own opinion.
Nope. Disagree there. Components of MIM to the MIA/MIJ guitars are vastly different. Even MIA of different grades have great differences. The pickups used are also very different tonally. Setting up your guitar will only improve its playability, not the tone. But to a degree you have a point, you don’t need a top tier guitar to be able to play, especially for home use.
The difference is so subtle many won't pick it. It's just in the mids there is a subtle difference. Not even worth paying the $399 to change the pick ups many actually say the pick ups are better in the MIM player plus - noiseless as used on the Ultra Strats / Custom shop.
Unless it's something extremely specific then you might look into Seymour Duncan but probably just cheaper to buy a guitar based around that particular pick up.
Apparently fender use to ship parts from the American factory to the Mexican one. Now they have all the tools in the Mexican factory, the original machines since 1960s. Plenty of tour videos online and MIA ultra vs MIM player plus.
MIM/MIJ/MIK/MIA = all the same production lines / quality with unfortunately low QC standards these days. Some even say Squire has better QC than Fender these days!
Nice one. Saw an article the other day on Fender having to deal with 100million dollars of orders being cancelled after the post-covid bump in guitar sales reverted to normal levels. Hopefully see some good deals coming through.