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[PC, Steam] Hogwarts Legacy Deluxe Edition A$59.47 (41% off) @ Green Man Gaming

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In case people are still interested in picking up this game. New historical low for both Deluxe and Standard Editions, beats previous prices by quite a bit

Hogwarts Legacy Standard Edition $53.52 AUD (41% off) from GMG

Hogwarts Legacy
Hogwarts Legacy is an immersive, open-world action RPG set in the world first introduced in the Harry Potter books. Now you can take control of the action and be at the center of your own adventure in the wizarding world. Your legacy is what you make of it. Live the Unwritten.

Explore an Open World
The wizarding world awaits you. Freely roam Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, the Forbidden Forest, and the surrounding Overland area.

Be the Witch or Wizard You Want To Be
Learn spells, brew potions, grow plants, and tend to magical beasts along your journey. Get sorted into your house, forge relationships, and master skills to become the witch or wizard you want to be.

Experience a New Wizarding World Story
Experience the wizarding world in a forgotten era to uncover a hidden truth from its past. Battle against trolls, dark wizards, goblins, and more as you face a dangerous villain threatening the fate of the wizarding world.

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closed Comments

  • +5

    I'm waiting for the ps5 version to go on sale taking a lifetime

    • It actually is on Sale but not this cheap 😭

  • +8

    Supposedly a good game BUT not much replayability.

    • +2

      Play through for each of the houses as theres 1 quest that's house specific lol. But u got perth bored after the 2nd playthrough

      • Slitherin is the best house. All other houses are trash.

        • Is this personal opinion or there's some gameplay difference?

          • @UnpluggedBox: Each house has a different quest in the first phase. Personally, I liked the Hufflepuff quest most, because you visit Azkaban.

    • +8

      It is a good game. Good graphics, fun combat, but very little depth.

      No way you are going to want to 100% this game, let alone play it again.

      • +4

        72hrs total to 100% it took me. I enjoyed it but I've never even though about it after that first week.

        • +3

          72 hours in a week bruh?

          • +2

            @AustriaBargain: Yeah, those are rookie numbers.

          • @AustriaBargain: Yeah I was playing it basically non stop. I was on holidays for the week it came out and the week after, so I just smashed it out. I think one of my sessions was like 14hrs. I think that was release day.

            • @Big Chungus: No surprise you didn't think about it with such long gaming sessions. No time to absorb and think about it.

      • +1

        I remember I was on 98% or sth cause one achievement bugged I tried to open the cage or sth before the quest.

    • +1

      Pretty much
      They really missed a treat with the lack of depth in the game. It didn't even have a proper character creator (of which 50% of presets were African)
      Mechanics and visuals were solid.
      Sounds like no free or decent dlc will be forthcoming, unfortunately, guess we need to shell out another $90 in 3 years time for the new game with all of the features that were expected the first time around

  • +2

    How good this plays on Steam Deck? Anyone in knows and tried it?

    • +1

      Quite a few vids on YT of benchmarks, you're not going to get a consistent frame rate on the highest settings but it is playable if you tone down the settings a bit.

    • I am buying it specifically to play on sd

      • +1

        Thanks fellas. Ditto. SD all the way.

    • +2

      Works well! Plenty of hours on the deck

    • +1

      with some tweaking, 30 fps lock, you get maybe 3 hours on a full charge max. But I enjoyed it much more on my PC, high refresh rates has spoiled me. I like my SD for games that can push 60fps and multiple hours, AAA games I'm not so much a fan of on the SD, but to each their own.

      • +6

        Honestly cannot believe I can play games like cyberpunk while I lie out back in a hammock with a cold beer. What a time to be alive, love this little black box.

        • +3

          Haha ye it's pretty sweet brother, enjoy

          • +1

            @tony2shanks: Been playing Days Gone with it ATM and its been a great experience. Never felt like playing it on the PC but on the SD dunno, luving every minute of it. Go Deek!

  • How long is the story (hours)? What do you do after finishing the story?

    • +2

      Main story is not that long, hunting achievements and to 100% the game and side quests took me about 100 hours total. But I like to take my time exploring etc, could be done in probably 70 hours total. Main story I'd say maybe 25 hours max.

    • +2

      I just played through on Xbox. About 30h to complete main story along with most of the major side quests. There's a heap of collectables to get along with other minor side quests, upgrades etc, but I don't think I'll bother.

      Found the exploration in the game pretty mediocre. The combat is really good and I wish they fleshed it out a bit more with different enemy types.

  • Is it worth getting the deluxe?

    • +1

      If you care about some cosmetics and a dark arts arena (battle arena fighting different waves of enemies). I think that's all you get, maybe some skins for your mounts etc. Probably not worth it if you don't care about the arena.

    • Only if you love black cosmetics.

  • +1

    The game even has a trans character in it, Sirona the barkeeper.

    • +1

      Kinda. They artificially pitched the voice down, sounds janky af. But they couldn’t be subtle about it with threats to boycott the game over rowlings position that biological sex is real and shouldn’t be put into the memory hole. The game was boycotted hard anyway and sold like Gangbusters.

    • +3

      You know you’re just stirring sh*t writing this here right?

  • +1

    This save around $10 to current steam sale! Nice! Is Greenmangaming legit?

  • Anyone know if there's plans to implement online gameplay for this game?

    • Not this game but iirc Ubisoft won a contract to make an online HP game. There may be unofficial mods that add multiplayer too.

      • Ubisoft? Uhoh

        • Ubisoft made Legacy too and it impressed, HP translates well into the Ass Creed open world format.

    • Can you imagine the toxicity of multiplayer for this game? Especially HP fans, you’ll get some really heavy duty humans on this one…

      Having said that, they’d kill it financially with cosmetics and DLC’s

    • nope. They're trying to push a separate standalone quidditch game lol

  • Or just Yo-Ho-Ho it!

  • I played for 2 hours and dropped it. Just a question do i get to explore the other vaults or the big underground railway area later in the game?

    • What do you mean by other vaults? Do you mean Gringotts Wizarding Bank? No, you will not visit it again.

      • Yeah the opening area they hop on a mining cart and go to vault 12. I was thinking maybe they’ve got a huge underground area to explore like Elden ring

  • -6

    Lol wth. Not one comment about boycotting it? Good to see that the average Ozbargainer isn't a crazy leftie

    • +10

      Keep your shitty culture wars in the USA where it belongs

      • +1

        I agree with you. I'm only surprised. Saw it with Harvey Norman when a deal was posted about something from then. All I'm saying is I'm surprised we didn't see anything about it here

        • +1

          I was there buying during those deals, and nobody was talking about it back then too except the same people like you getting triggered that people aren't getting triggered. nothing changed in 6 months lmao. snowflakes complaining about imaginary snowflakes and not realizing they are the snowflakes 😂

          • @takutox: "Getting triggered that people aren't getting triggered"? Lmao. You're clearly triggered.

            • @Bladeyyy21: thanks for proving my point 😂

              • -2

                @takutox: There is nothing more entertaining in this world than seeing a triggered leftie lol

                • @Bladeyyy21: idk bruh you've cried a lot of political tears over a video game deal 😂

                  • @takutox: No. I was hoping to find a triggered leftie. Idk how you could possibly twist that into me being triggered

                    • @Bladeyyy21: still crying political tears. mans can't go one comment without mentioning US politics on a wizard video game deal on a bargain site. time to look in the mirror

                      you're like the modern day SJW never shuts up 😂

                      • @takutox: I wouldve loved this discussion to go further but its not worth it when you respond once a week 🤣

    • +3

      nope. you can see nobody talking about it but you (who is most triggered and still bringing up half year old news from the US).

      • -1

        Why would I be triggered? I'm mocking the easily-triggered mob… that's the point of my comment

  • +2

    Going to wait until it's around $25

  • Has it still got Denuvo?

    • +1

      Sadly, yes.

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