I'm confused by the wording of this offer. Do I get 10x points for Coles spend, Liqourland spend, or both? And I assume they meant to say "at least $30" and not exactly $30.
I'm confused by the wording of this offer. Do I get 10x points for Coles spend, Liqourland spend, or both? And I assume they meant to say "at least $30" and not exactly $30.
So this is how someone reaches 100k posts.
Wrong, though, it was only for Liqourland.
I assume they meant to say "at least $30" and not exactly $30.
It doesn't say 'exactly'. $30 is the trigger.
So is it $30 or more at Coles, then $0.01 or more at Liquorland? Or do you have to spend $30 or more there too? It says "…then spend the qualifying amount at Liquorland", but not clear to me how much that is. 🤔
It was only Liqourland
Either way it's a crappy deal.
Not for me 🍻
You got $3.01 worth of FlyBuys on a $160 spend.
I got 10x on my Liqourland purchase. Perhaps not the best offer, but certainly not bad. Could've spent the minimum at Coles and it would've been a $80 spend
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