Microsoft Online Only - Spend $550, get $100 back
Clinique - Spend $75, get $15 back
Microsoft Online Only - Spend $550, get $100 back
Clinique - Spend $75, get $15 back
$699 for Xbox Series X (with AmEx deal)
See I never link Microsoft and Xbox together I just think software as I’m a PlayStation guy, this is a good deal if you want an Xbox which many do!!!
sadly it was better in November LY
Amex offer was $150 off $500 and Xbox Series X was $749 so cost me $599 in the end..
$600 was a good deal, and back then you could get another 2% from Shopback.
Question is.. what to spend at Microsoft Online!
Xbox. controllers. gift cards
Good luck buying gift cards with Amex on the Microsoft site. They by default decline the transaction and flag it as potential fraud and lock your account. Why? because they are morons
that's what people did last time around
I got both of these, cause it knows I’m male and own a MacBook