Melbourne Myki Ticket Rollout Default Fare for Bus Passengers

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According to Myki's webpage specific to Default Fares. If you touch on while boarding a bus and "forget" to touch off when alighting in a different zone, you will only be charged a default fare which is the single zone fare.

Note : This only applies to Buses, not Trams and Trains.

I personally live in zone 2 and only take the bus once occasionly, and even if I take a bus to the city, I would often take another tram right to get where I want in the CBD anyway, so this is not useful to me. However, I'm pretty there are lots of zone 2 bus passengers out there who may find this a useful tip.

According to a Myki spokesperson : "Please note that this will only apply during the myki roll out; once the system roll out is complete the default fare for a bus trip where the route operates in both zones will change to a Zone 1 and 2 two hour fare.".

However, according the an article I once read in The Age, Myki has already cost our state AUD$1.5 Billion (more than half of NASA's US$2.5 Billion budget for the Mars Curiosity Rover Project) , so I'm crossing my fingers that the Myki technicians would not have the budget to fix this anytime soon. Lol.

Mod: Moved to forum as it's a hack / fare evasion

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  • +1

    I'm thinking by publishing this, they will now have the incentive to fix it asap now :|

    • +1

      i know what you mean - it took me a while to overcome the dilemma too.
      in the end, i decided that if i don't publish this, then less people would have had the opportunity to use this information.

  • +1

    I don't know if this is a recent change or not, but my wife takes the bus during the weekdays for work. She gets on and off in zone 1, but there are a number of times she has forgotten to touch off and she has been charged a zone 1 AND 2 fare as the default fare

    • that's what is supposed to happen.

      • according to OP it is different

  • +3

    I Hate Myki !!!!! Bring the Metcards BACK

    • +3

      I hate Myki. bring ANY system that they are using overseas.

  • +3

    This is not a hack. The default fair is higher than the actual fair. My daughter takes a tram and a bus to school within zone 2. If she forgets to touch off or touch off fails she is charged a default fare when she touches on in the next leg plus the fare when she touchstone off. If you see this penalty fare charged is more than 100% for either forgetting to touch off or myki not working.

    If you recharge on line your myki would get topped off only when you touch on again. This does not work well if you travel by bus. I was asked to either buy a ticket or touch on at a train station.

    My hack; I recharge at a 7/11 store using Amex. Around $2k of annual top ups (between 3 mykis) gets me enough points for a $20- 30 Bunnings voucher.

    Thanks for reading my rant.

    • If you travel daily you could save a bit more than that just by using a Myki pass instead of Myki money. And no need to worry about forgetting to touch off

    • This does not work well if you travel by bus. I was asked to either buy a ticket or touch on at a train station.

      Tell them to get stuffed… If you did the right thing and recharge, that's their problem, not yours…

  • I've been using Myki for a while now and always thought whatever service you were on eg train or bus that if you didnt touch off you were charged the default fare for whatever zone the end of the line was in as the system assumes you traveled the entire journey.
    But i could be wrong

  • +2

    I live in zone 1 and work in zone 2. If I touch on and off both ways I get charged $3.28. If I don't touch off I get charged $3.28 to work and $2.28 home (the default is zone 2), so it is cheaper not to touch off in one direction. As it makes no difference anyway I never touch off

    It is still worse than metcard because I used to buy 10 * 2 hour zone 2 which worked out at around $2.20 per trip

  • +1

    anyone know if you can get a credit/refund for unused metcards?

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