• expired

(SHORT-DATED) Indomie Mi Goreng Instant Fried Noodles BOX of 30 $7.99 @ Glory Mart


Saw this at Glory Mart as I went past on Kingsway, Glen Waverley.
This is a little cheaper than the Coles deal, when you buy a box, if you live close, and you don't mind the close best before date. If you live far away, don't bother, as I won't pay for your petrol :P

A few things to note though:
-Cash payments only
-Short-dated: 30/11/2012
-Have to buy ONE box (Buying it in smaller quantities was more expensive than Coles)

(Glory Mart is an Asian grocery store…)

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  • +6

    There is something very Homer Simpson about getting excited over bulk, discount, almost expired pre-packaged food.

    • +5

      "Wow for free! Surplus drums of mayonnaise from Operation Desert Storm!"

    • mmmmm… Expired fooood… garrrrgl

    • -4

      Use-by in 2.5 months.

      Your definition of "almost" is very different to mine - or maybe it's just your maths ain't great.

      • +4

        Well my maths says that means you eat one pack every 2.5 days for 75 days to eat them all before expiry.

        However, that assumes:
        I am not an uni and therefore will eat anything that expired last week/month/year.
        I am not buying for 3 mates who also survive on pre-packed fried food.

        But hey, I can see where your coming from. Of the three major food groups (fast, fried and frozen) you only need to find cheap fast and frozen to survive until after christmas.


        • +1

          You omitted at least one other assumption - apparently you drop dead if you eat them on 1 December.

        • No, the assumption you made is that after 1 December they classify as "food" instead of landfill.

        • Seems hotdogs are at the top of your "food"chain? :)


          Make mine noodles, thanks.

  • +1

    I was just in Glenny half an hour ago…

    • -2

      Glenny and Garl

  • +5

    with the preservatives and palm oil, I'm sure this will be tasty well past the date on the packed ;)

  • +2

    Coles have Indomie Mi Goreng 5 pack for $1.46. Work out 83cents more per box of 30. I am sure Coles would have better expire date.

    • Yeah mine from Coles are 31/5/13.
      I'd just pay the 80 cents. If the Coles deal weren't on this would be worth considering, but it's not.

    • yes it does. just bought some from coles today.

    • I just came home via coles with only two packs, and I concur.
      I do, however, wonder why I was charged $1.47 for each of my packs…… Where's my 2cents!?

  • +4

    Glory Mart, eh? Hmmm.. I wonder how they came to have that name. Lol ten bucks there's a back room with a.. yep, you guessed it.. a glory hole.

    • Yup, we were all thinking it… :)

      • Glory, glory, hallelujah! ;D

    • +1

      but those on the other side are short-dated?

    • +1

      I thought it as well.. Didn't want to mention it in the OP.

      I also had the image that when the Mi Goreng expires, the palm oil is reused otherwise…

  • +1

    Makanan ane di Indonesia nih… Indomie,,seleraku… :D

  • +4

    The real surprise here is… deep fried, freeze dried noodles have an expiry date?

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