Owning a Google Domain -> Advice

I own a Google Domain name, I'm not going to disclose the exact domain name but it is Google.xxx.xx

I'm not using it for anything as when I purchased it I didn't think much of it but I could be in hot water if I used the domain name…

Any advice on this?

The domain name is Google, doesn't contain any 0 or special characters.

If you're thinking it's the new Adults .XXX domain it's not.


  • That's no big deal. Since you own xxx.xx, you can create subdomains under it. But if you used google trademarks or pretended to be them, they might send their lawyers after you.

    • -1

      any chance of google paying me a billion dollars for it ;)

      • Hahahaha.

        • seriously

        • +1

          I am.

        • If they want it they will just start suing you and make you hand it over to them ;)

  • i don't understand. do you own xxx.xx?

  • There was a thread on Whirlpool a couple of years ago where Google sent a cease and desist to Groggle.com.au. They ended up settling for an undisclosed sum and changing their name.

    • Do you mean Google paid him or he paid Google?

      • By the sounds of the thread, Google paid him to settle. He signed an NDA so I assume that the payment went in his favor.

  • +1

    I reckon you could safely set up an shop on the website to sell these, without the fear of getting sued http://www.retailhellunderground.com/my_weblog/2012/09/googl…

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