JB Hi-Fi (Business) - Calling 1300 Number for a Gift Card + More $

I am an uber driver and my friend tell me to call this number (1300034139)
They are the business version of JB HiFI and they offer giftcards or credits with mobile plans like stores do, but if you have an ABN they can offer business deals.

In store the giftcard is $1200 for the $$99 with mobile plan till 30th August but when I called the 1300 number they said they have offer where I can get more.

They took some time to sign me up but now I have better deal then what I could get in store
If you have an ABN call them and tell them your looking for special and they can offer you more then store

Thank you


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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi


  • +2

    People can just go to their website to see the deals and offers for businesses - https://www.jbhifi.business/telstra-plans

  • I did not see website, only call.
    But I got more then website say

    • +1

      How much more?

      • +1

        A whole lot more

        • Sorry I take time. I got 200 more then the store for my special

      • +3

        It’s a secret

  • No premium 1900 number?

    • They haven't scammed enough people yet

      • It no scam, I made call and they help me with special

        • +1

          Yes I see the same phone number on JB business website.

          You can never know with these things, a new ozb user comes into forum and immediately tell you to call a phone number to get gift cards. Yet negate to say what deal they managed to get - just they have offer where I can get more

          • @CodeXD: Yes I am new, sorry if made look like scam. Hopefully you get special too.
            My friend said to share here. Hope I can send more specials to share too and get some specials here too.

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