Good Suitcase for International Travel Kmart, Big W Any Good?

Going on international flight in couple of weeks we have these very little duty I think at the time worlds first and lightest cases around but not hard shell just soft cover been used a few times on a few international trip but not a great deal.
I got them to get the maximum out of my allowed weight, they probably would not give much protection but you would just try and wrap something anyway inside.

They are only 2 wheeled and I see a lot of people with 4 wheeled ones these days looks like a breeze to pull around.
I was thinking maybe a hard shell might be a good option as well but as said my soft lightweight cases has mostly just been for clothes.

I also believe the hard shell cases are prone to getting damaged easily?

I just wanted a vid of ones Bigw sold it was only a vid from 2022 I think they was called voyager hard shell cases I think 4 wheels and spin 360 etc and had 5 year warranty but had a search online nothing comes up so maybe no longer do them.

I see Kmart sells hard shell ones etc at reasonable prices but do they actually last.

What do you guys own?

Have they lasted well and if was Kmart or big w ones what did you think of them?

I could just go with what we have currently and buy some for return but just trying to get an idea or recommendations on some I’m not interested in buying top brand and hundreds of dollars.
As we don’t really travel much but who know what future holds and maybe come handy later on again.


  • +9


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  • +19

    If you fly QANTAS it shouldn't matter, just buy the cheapest. Your suitcase will likely end up in a different city to you.

  • +4

    Stay away from cheap cases unless one way and toss is the plan. Pick up quality second hand cases anywhere.

    For me, i have the following:

    Lojel hardcase set, no zips.
    Antler xl case, soft/material, zip
    Antler duffel on wheels

    The Lojel set is awesome but difficult to get in Australia (maybe 3 stockists). I would go for Samsonite or Delsey if I wanted another hardcase with the security level.

    Antler has been rock solid for me. I love a 2 wheel case. In terms of speed and longevity, they cant be beat. Mine are 20 old and are about to head out again.

    If I was looking for a soft case, I would look for another duffel on wheels. Been eying off the Patagonia ones for a while.

    • +6

      Perhaps an irrational concern but Personally I won't buy 2nd hand travel gear. Don't want to rock up to indo/singapore/japan with mysterious (read: illegal) contents

      • Look for things like Oystercases. Cant hide anything and still highly rated in terms of hard cases.

  • 4 wheels: each corner with 1 wheel or 2 wheels? It might be a breeze because it is light loads. Heavy loads cheap suit cases won't cut it.

    If you are traveling without kids 2 wheels is fine. In fact have you tried 4 wheels on cobbled streets of central London or Rome. You actually don't want 4 wheels in those circumstances.

    Not sure where you are going but buy something suited to the destination. Please complain a lot about 2 wheels but there is use case. Obviously I wouldn't pitch a duffel bag unless you are building muscle.

    • Yes with two kids 11yrs and 7Yrs are duffel bags the way to go? Sturdy and cheap?hold a lot? as probably will come back with more than I go over with and do they offer a bit of protection as might have stuff I will want to protect.

      Any resonable duffel bags?

      Going to uk

      • Check up Argos in the UK. They have brand name suit cases for like GBP 75.

        Not sure how you are planning to travel. If you don't have to take a winter wardrobe then maybe travel over with small cabin size rollers and buy big suit cases there and bring all your goodies back.

      • The good duffel bags aren't cheap but will last a lifetime. North Face Base Camp Duffel small (50L) is a good reference point. There are similar duffels made by Patagonia, Helly Hansen among others. Key features: backpack straps; carry-on size; fits under-seat. Took us a few trips/mistakes to settle on this 5-piece strategy which we then deployed on three 6-week trips:

        Parent 1: messenger bag carry-on with tech, headphones, cables, chargers, etc; 71cm lightweight spinner checked bag
        Parent 2: handbag
        Offspring 1: 50L duffel carry-on
        Offspring 2: 50L duffel carry-on

        Advantages: manageable on public transit worldwide; fits into any taxi/rideshare/rental car; only requires one checked-piece for low-cost carriers; option to check 3 pieces for international sectors.

  • +3

    I cannot trust Kmart's products even in my bathroom; how can you trust them when in a linehaul thousands of kilometres from home?

  • +3

    American Tourista or well known brand.

    Used cheap ones before they dont stack up a broken wheel or zipper is the worst when overseas.

  • Your use case isn't clear.
    Are you requiring cases purely for the flight and the associated travel to/from one destination, or are you travelling on a regular basis on your trip?

    • Aus to uk don’t travel often maybe not for a while after who knows.

      • It doesn't really matter how far away your destination is; the luggage will be loaded on a flight and unloaded afterwards (if not with Qantas).
        But, are you just going to one destination in the UK or are you travelling to multiple destinations during your stay?

  • +1

    What ever you do don't buy hardshells made with ABS. They will just crack. Most cheap suitcases are ABS.


  • +3

    Don't cheap out on luggage. Get American Tourister, Antler, or any other decent brands.

  • Off subject what’s the go on power banks can you take these with you.
    I own a 20k one and a 5k one is there restrictions on taking this with you? I thought there was a risk to these exploding or going on fire and was not allowed.
    If you are allowed does this come with you in your hand luggage or in case in hold.
    If in hand luggage have you tell them you have such device? Or even in case.
    As I will go to Doha then to London then a smaller demestic flight to other part in uk I assume all both airline are cool with such device.
    I have never used this Device and last thing I want is for it to be taken off me as not allowed.

    The 20k will be the better option as last longer and can be used several times where I think 5k one might just do the one charge.

    • Have you checked your chosen airlines websites for restrictions?

      • Yes but clueless on the power banks, I believe Qatar only allow 100 wh and below and when I look at the box of mine I’m sure it says 74 wh.
        I own the cycnett charge up boost 2nd gen 20,000 mag power bank.
        I do have a smaller and lighter 5k one but is probably less useful when I may need to charge more than once.

        • they have usb ports on the plane.
          when will you need a power bank?

          • @altomic: Yes so they have lol it’s been a while since I fly so probably no need to take a power bank then.

            • @bwatt72: yeah, i haven't carried a battery pack on an international flight in years (only when flying the really low cost airlines that don't have USB ports).

    • I have the Imuto 100w, 20k mah

      I’ve brought it in carry on with these airlines so far without issue:

      Will find out RyanAir and Vueling over the next week or so… but I’m hoping it’s the same across Europe.

      So far, a number of the airlines have had USB charging ports, but none of them worked

      • Update: the 100mah fine to take on vueling, Ryan air and easy jet. Ryanair wouldn’t let me use it on the plane while easyJet just wanted it out of the bag while using it

  • +1

    depends on what type of travelling you like to do…

    for us, because we have kids an many suit cases..
    - when we arrive at the airport the suitcase goes on a trolley
    - trolley gets rolled to the counter, and someone else takes it,,,
    - when i arrive at destination the luggage goes from the carousel onto trolley..
    - from trolley into taxi…
    - from taxi into hotel lobby and then onto baggage trolley - then from baggage trolley into room.

    those wheel on the luggage doesn't get used much

    however the hand carry (cabin luggage) I wouldn't skimp on, that gets rolled around and gets used a lot compared to the others.

    again YMMV on the type of holiday you go on.

    if you plan on doing public transport with your luggage then i would get ones with good wheels.

    • I don't agree. The wheels on the suit case is the furthest sticking out point on the suitcase its often slammed down dropped on so i would advice on getting a good one

  • +1

    for suitcases then why not consider second hand?

    facebook marketplace, or even OpShops.

    I usually score my suitcases during hard rubbish collection - people just chuck them out.

  • After trying out rolling luggage in Europe we went back to travel packs. Just so much easier to unzip the harness put it on and walk. No need to worry about broken wheels, cobblestones and stairs. Whilst everyone else is waiting for the lift we are climbing the stairs with our packs. For our cabin luggage we use day packs. They go under the seat in front so we don’t need to worry about overhead bins. Gives us easy access as well.

    • Also saves on booking tickets with checked luggage 😩 but 2 months is a bit long to pack light for us lol

  • personally I prefer the old fashioned 2 wheeled suitcases… they were easier to lug around & down go sliding down the slightest of incline/ decline, when left alone. I would also suggest in buying the mid-range suitcases rather than the el-cheapo's from Kmart or Big W. those ones wont handle travel very well. great for taking using domestically if no planes are involved ( like long car drives). you may not travel much for now…but view the suitcases as an investment to protect your stuff when travelling

  • +1

    Don’t buy cheap! There’s nothing worse than running late somewhere or going up stairs when a wheel falls off or the zipper breaks. Spend the money on something with a long warranty like samsonsite and you don’t have to stress and you can focus on having a good time.

  • I reckon there are 3 options:

    1) The problem with cheap suitcases is they aren't cheap. e.g. I paid $69 at Big W. The zip came off it's runner the very first use - without load. Luckily it had 2 zips, but I was very nervous that the same problem would result in the contents being scattered. I got through the trip, and took it straight back for a refund.
    So one option is to pay a "bond" on a cheap suitcase and get your money back after the trip, but worry the entire trip.
    I would not get a cheap suitcase and expect to get multiple trips out of it. If you're lucky, it's just the wheels that brake and you have to carry it. More likely the zip will go, as will your contents.

    2) Go even cheaper. We can them "rice bags" but I don't know correct name. A large square bag with a zip at the top, pretty strong, but not suitable for sharp edges. The zip is better than a cheap suitcase though. I think they're about $20, and probably hold as much as an average suitcase. Easier to repair damage with gaffa tape than a suitcase. Awkward to carry when full though. (Probably on shoulder when you don't have a trolley)

    3) I think you have to pay top $$ for a quality suitcase. If they would last a lifetime I figure the cost per trip would work out okay if you travel enough. But I don't know whether such a suitcase even exists.

  • +1

    How much you would want to spend on the suitcases really depend on the contents and how much you value the inconvenice if your suitcase breaks. If there aren't any valuables and if they are easily replaced at your destination, then probably a cheap case may be justified. Otherwise, quality (which often tend to be more expensive than kmart/bigw) ones are likely more desirable (but not to the extent of some of the absurdly expensive/luxury brands).

    We have Samsonite/American Tourister (different designs, but likely same quality for the range made from same materials, since both brands are owned by Samsonite) but mainly due to the material, decent quality, and the availability of a clasp/latch lock instead of zipper (but it is getting harder to find).

    The PP shells, which can be considered as hard plastic, are sufficiently flexible to be resistant to breakage and lighter weight compared to ABS hard plastic of the past. Aluminium cases can be lighter but they are just more vulnerable to dents being quite a soft metal.

    We got them quite some years ago when we could still get them delivered from European Amazon (eg Amazon Germany) when they regularly go on sale for quite better prices than locally in Australia (and being made in EU).

  • I bought a Kmart bag in 2014 for a 6 week trip to America. I threw it out at the end of that trip because the wheels locked up, it was badly ripped and the handle wouldn’t go up and down- I had to unzip the case inside to retract the handle -.-). So the $60 Kmart bag barely lasted a trip and was annoying.

    I have an American tourister that I purchased in 2016 for a Europe contiki tour for about $280.

    It lasted pretty well with that on and off the bus for 7 weeks. I have since used it to go to America for 5 weeks (multiple internal flights), New Zealand twice, Tasmania, Singapore, multiple trips to Sydney and Melbourne too.

    I am now Europe again for 2 months (multiple trains and flights internally, we’ve been to 13 different cities so far and several more to go), and only now am I having issues.

    The wheels are squeaking loudly, but still move smoothly on the cobbled streets. I put some shower gel on them last week and they’ve been ok though since! Will keep reapplying… the handle is fine, still retracts well. But the material around the bag is starting to deteriorate on the corners. The wire frame of the bag is showing and I’m afraid this will be it’s last trip.

    My partner purchased a brand new hard shell samsonite for about $260 at one of those luggage stores that always has specials (for this Europe trip), and it’s been good (better wheels and easier to push/balance), but has a lot of cuts in the plastic already, some quite deep. His also has two luggage zones, so you can’t just easily flip one side open… I prefer a single cavity with just a small pouch zip on the top

  • dont bother with hardshell. cheap is fine, the only thing to watch is zipper quality, cause when its gone, its gone. other than that, ive never had an issue with cheaper cases really aside from looking like a povo when collecting the bags. carryon is a different story and you can go down all sorts of rabbit holes there depending on your needs, but if you are mainly checking clothes, any case will do the job, and packing anything fragile can be wrapped in clothes for protection

  • Decided to use old light weight cases we had from years back for our trip hopefully they are are ok for us on our trip.
    If they are worse for wear when we get there can always replace to come back.

    As I’m with Qatar I checked hand luggage size has,things changed a little in sizes? as 2015 I had this same hand luggage case and never had issues what do they base there sizes on?

    Standing up the hand luggage as got small feet and wheels to top is 21 inch if you add handle it’s 22 inch if your just talking size of actual case it’s 20 inch.
    Width is 13 1/2 inch and depth is 8 1/2 inch.

    Qatar say on their site 20 inch x 15 inch x 10 inch I assume I’m ok with mine.
    As depends where you measure from.

  • Choice reviewed suitcases.. buy the article

  • I've said it before.. buy choice review online.

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