Looking for Suggestions for Good Wired over-Ear Headphones ($150- $300 Budget)

Hello, I am looking to replace my old cheaper headphones as they are really starting to fall apart. Interested in getting a new good pair but unsure what is the best for my needs as I am not super experienced with this kind of stuff. Though I can give a general idea of what I use mine for, and what I'm looking for in a new pair.

  • I generally listen to music (most commonly EDM stuff), and play games with them too, but more interested in overall audio quality (closer to audiophile type stuff)
  • I don't need them to be super portable, since I generally only use them at home
  • I prefer headphone jack connections, but not against pure USB connection
  • I much prefer them to be closed back, as I live with other people and need the audio to be contained
  • Looking for them to be a quality build overall (i.e can hold up well for a very long time) if possible
  • Pretty firm on them being wired, as I already have some AirPods for my wireless needs and prefer using wired for my computer which will be their primary use location
  • Not super picky on overall feel to wear, but preferably ones that aren't super tight on the head

I am open to change stuff if need be, i.e budget as I am not super picky about this overall and just looking for a general idea of recommendations as there is a very large amount of choices.


  • Have a read of the latest focal deals, there will be plenty of discussion on comparable models at different price points

  • Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 80 ohm version, easy to drive on modern PC's without an amp. But you can get quite a bit more juice if you decide to get an amp down the track.
    Closed back, built like a tank, OEM and third party replaceable pads/headband cushion are readily available.
    Unfortunately the stock pads were too shallow for my outward pointing ears and they kept touching the headphone drivers. But with some chunky third party pads I can have them on for a solid half days of work. Probably wouldn't go as far as say they will be comfortable to wear for an entire day without taking them off due to its weight.

  • There is nothing better than these in your price range right now, it might cost abit over, but also comes with free postage


    If you could stretch your budget then i would get the focal radiance instead.


  • Thanks all, will take a look at the suggestions given.

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