• expired

Samsung 57" Odyssey Neo G95NC Curved QLED DUHD Gaming Monitor $2,559.20 (RRP $3,199.00) @ Samsung Education Store

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32:9, 240Hz, 1000R now in 7680x2160 resolution. MiniLED with 2,392 dimming zones and KVM switch included this time.

20% off RRP on the Education Store for those who have access.

Monitor takes up 133cm of desk space (width wise).

Ports: DP 2.1 and HDMI 2.1

Also on Samsung Store with $350 coupon and $50 newsletter code, comes to about $2,799

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closed Comments

  • +17

    Never buy from samsung directly. You have been warned.

    • +4

      Why is that? I've bought phones and soundbars off them in the past

      • +2

        I agree with the other posts is that you get stuff from samsung usually okay and quick but…. and a big but…. if you have a delay or need to contact them for anything they are horrendous, refund… good luck. Agree with the warning from @Ryxxi

      • +1

        I waited 30 days for delivery of a 34" G8 OLED monitor, arrived DOA. I had to take the monitor to the nearest service center which was ~75kms away to be assessed before they would give me an option for replacement or refund, the service center repaired it regardless and I requested a refund. Well, that was about 45 days ago, I'm still waiting on a refund of $1439

        I've ordered phones in the past but will never order anything large from Samsung again.

        • Add washing machines, driers and fridges to that list, Samsung is garbage at those. I've not experienced drama with their monitors though, touch wood.

    • No option to buy from HN either this time.

    • Ive bought multiple 2x S20+, 2x S21+, 1x S22 Ultra and 2x S23 Ultra ,1x Galaxy Tab S9 with trade in, 2x Washing machines (for different people)

      All arrived and worked perfectly.

      • Yeah I’ve ordered several phones and 3 tvs for friends/ family. Never had an issue

    • +3

      Took samscum 3 months to give me a refund on a delivery I cancelled a day after ordering

    • +1

      Totally, took four months to get my refund and they never bothered to send the item. $2000 worth of credit card balance for four months.

  • this is bigger than my TV

    • -6

      you must have a small tv this is too wide 57” sounds big but area is small vs normal tv

  • -5

    qled? is this 2015? get this crap out of here. oled or nothing i say.

    • tbh, I cannot really tell the difference between oled and qled in most circumstance even in darker scene.

    • -8

      oled is LG's. and oled has ghosting effect so not great for pc monitor sceen.

      • +7

        qd-oled is Samsung.

        What ghosting effect do OLED have? (Serious question)

        • I too would like to know what ghosting effect my tv has

    • 49" OLED G9 is $2294.15 at the Gov store

  • +2

    Avoid samsung. I've been burned paying a lot for a samaung monitor and it turned out with so many issues. Went to a cheaper lg at the end

    • +5

      …or, like some of us - fault free, reliable, zero issues across multiple models and exceeds expectations?

      • +2

        I would love to be in that group. At some point maybe I'll go back to samsung club

      • Someone on reddit reported their 57" burning out already :D

        4 days in - he was running at full brightness with no energy saving features

  • such a shame there's no thunderbolt. probably need PBP with an M1 mac?

    • Thunderbolt only has 18Gbit bandwidth via DisplayPort so it wouldn't be able to drive this monitor at full res/refresh. In fact HDMI 2.1 can't either, DP 2.1 can only do it with DSC.

      • M1 Mac uses Thunderbolt 4 with 40Gbps bandwidth.

        • Thunderbolt 3 was also 40Gbit as a transport but didn't give 40Gbit just to the display, which I what I was referring to above. TB4 can support DP2.0 which can run this monitor with DSC.

      • I'd only expect 60fps, which both the Dell U3224KB and Apple XDR with about 25% more pixels.

        I've also run 2 4k60 monitors off of a single thunderbolt cable via dock years ago too so the problem can't be the bandwidth. DP Alt mode or not, that's an implementation detail.

        • Yeah 2x 4K60 is fine, that's only 24Gbit or so. This is effectively 2x 4K240, which is the same as 2x 8K60, so 96Gbit uncompressed.

  • +5

    I've never had an issue with direct from samsung, but i do know plenty of people that have.

    there was an article the other day that listed samsung for the worse customer experience in Australia
    (sorry for the PerthNow link) https://www.perthnow.com.au/technology/why-phone-maker-samsu…

  • +7

    7680x2140 - so is this.. uWu HD..?

  • +2

    At this price, I'm considering it. That's around the price of their OLED 49 and LG's 45 OLED. Both of which also tempt me but the lack of vertical pixels for the price stops me. Also Samsung's 49 goes back to 1800R which is dead to me. This 57 seems almost perfect only lacking OLED but that tech is probably another year away and closer to $4k.

    Also, I've not had problems with Samsung in the past so mileage varies.

    Edit: Now might be a good time to ask, am I able to use my daughters primary school email for this? My workplace is an edu.au but I'm pretty sure it's not accepted here.

    • Email should work

      • Just came back to update. So as usual my work email (edu.au) doesn't work but my daughter's school email was accepted. Something is a little ass backward about that when you think about it, but whatever.

        • Similar age daughter also trying to buy (but in VIC) … trying to figure out where/how to log in to her webmail (or if it exists).
          We have an email address (ending in schools.vic.edu.au) and password but no where to log-in. EduMail and EduGate seem to be for staff.
          Am asking school etc but any other VIC Primary kids' parents sorted it out?

  • +1

    Err, this $2,500 57” monitor is supposed for students…

    • +3

      Apparently so, my edu.au work email didn't work, my 10 year old daughter's email though, no problem! I'm proceeding to ask her to buy it for me.

      • +2

        and thats how its done folks… my year 11 got a order in…lol

        • My account via her email is still in my name (for tax purposes), I'm guessing nobody will care or notice.

          • @Click_It: i'd definitely be interested in how a tax accountant reacts to putting down a monitor purchased via someone's child's edu address. are you going to claim it as a WFH expense? business expense? from what i understand there are no tax deductions for the cost of your child's devices/stationary etc

            • +2

              @lulzenberg: Why would a tax agent (or the ATO) care how you obtained a discount

              • @WhatWouldBiggieDo: why wouldn't they?

                • +4

                  @lulzenberg: Because the commercial terms for which you pay for an item have zero bearing on whether it's deductible or not. It's crazy that you think it would

                  • -2

                    @WhatWouldBiggieDo: after dealing with the ATO while running a business, my experience is completely the opposite of that. samsung will lodge with the ATO that they didn't make as much back on the sale of this item, they don't do it for free. i can't say i've dealt with education discounts, which is why i'm interested, but when stock was sold to a company at less than what it's value was, we had to always answer as to why, who etc.

                    again, i have no idea how these would work, which is why i'm interested?

                    • +7

                      @lulzenberg: As a tax agent I can say i've never heard of the ATO taking issue with how a product was purchased - whether it be from an education store or otherwise. It's in the ATO's best interest for you to pay less for your deductible purchases as the impact to your taxable income is less.

                    • +3

                      @lulzenberg: Another accountant here backing @WhatWouldBiggieDo.

                      ATO don’t care if they sell at discount. That’s like saying good guys can’t have a sale without upsetting the ATO.

                      As for who’s name it is in, doesn’t matter. Just need to be able to prove it’s yours. This isn’t a very technical source but first google quick result so would be plenty more - posters question c)

                      • @Wombatstew: Well that's good to hear from two different people - I'm guessing the difference is selling one company to another vs company to the general public, or our account was just pedantic?

            • +1

              @lulzenberg: to be honest, beats me. I'll leave it with my accountant and see how he handles it. I do work 100% from home though.

              • -1

                @Click_It: post back and let us know 😂 - if i can start claiming things i've bough through edu i'll definitely start.

                • +1

                  @lulzenberg: This will be my first such purchase. I'll certainly share when I find out but don't hold your breath, I won't be lodging until May 15 2025. You're probably right, though It's not a deciding factor for me, just a bonus if it does go through.

    • rich students

    • There are a lot of students who are loaded.

  • +1

    What vesa mount can I use?
    Think the Ergoton can only do up to 49"

  • surely that Vres is a typo - 2140???

    why not 2160

    • +1

      I'm certain it's a typo, should be 2160.

    • +1

      Thanks, fixed

      • thanks - thought Samsung was being weird

        I'll buy this when COVID 2.0 happens and we are back to work from home :D

  • Damn the price isn't that insane .

    I paid about the same for my g9 when it first came out.

    • Cheaper than the 2022 Ark too

  • Wonder what games you'd even be able to hit 240fps with at 8k, can't be many, even with top end cards? Maybe CSGO haha

    • +1

      it's not exactly 8k, it would technically be half of what 8k would be.. but it wouldn't be 4k.. hah.

    • -2

      Just wait for nvidia to insert more fake frames you’ll get there in no time, I was saying it is coming 2 years ago don’t think many ppl noticed

      You’ll hit 240fps on csgo easy low settings, but you’ll want a lot more than 240 with competitive, no serious competitive player would use this too clowny

  • I haven't been able to login to the edu store since those cheap 512GB SDs. Different browsers/computers/ISPs/VPN.

    After entering email I get:
    Couldn't load webpage
    The webpage didn’t respond to the request in time.
    ※ IAMGCSaeucentral1_1693210621893_99999-9436728392.999

    • I get that on my work pc. Incognito mode fixes it though

    • You have adblocker.

      • Sure on 2/3 of my browsers,but it also occurs across various networks and browsers, even after disabling Adblock. Likely their issue. Also, I was recently asked to reconfirm eligibility.

  • -3

    Lmfao should I get this or a baguette

    • +2

      This. A baguette will go stale in a couple of days.

      • I don’t know man at least I get to eat while ppl laugh at me

        • And you get to buy a whole lotta baguettes too, so there's that.

          • +1

            @Click_It: Yes cornering the baguette futures market sounds like a worthy aspiration

  • Wow nice monitor! I picked up a CRG90 this month but this is something else!

  • Tempted to finally upgrade from my aging CHG90… not that bad a price given it may be tax deductible for those who use it for WFH.

    • How much can one claim as tax deduction at this price level? Never did so fof 300$+ hardware

      • You can probably depreciate monitor over 2-3 years so 100% of purchase price over 3 years

        • The heck? I could do that with my Neo G9 too then? :O

          I need to research this topic more and amend my tax return lol

          • @kehuehue: See https://www.ato.gov.au/individuals/income-deductions-offsets…

            The $300 threshold is only for immediate deduction. Depreciation is allowable for anything above that that you use for work but you'll probably need to work out any private usage and exclude it from your claim.

            • @FutureTech: yep i had a look around, i need to calculate the ratio of hours (work vs private) and amend to put that claim through. schedule for monitor says 40% over 4 years, so need to work on all that.

              thanks again

  • Ah the conundrum! Was getting ready to pull the trigger when I realized my KVM hardware won't be powerful enough to drive this monitor. It's a very good KVM, can run 5K @ 120Hz but this is a whole other matter. It's based on DP1.4 so I think it would drop back to 30Hz, or best case scenario, 60Hz at native res. I've contacted the distributor just to be sure (Wendell @ Level1Techs)

    Not buying as a gamer, but sub 100Hz would be a big step backwards.

    • +2

      This one has a KVM built in, dont think you would needs Wendells.

      At most you can get the $20 Ugreen hub have a kvm sortish setup (no need to unplug and plug cables)

      Doing so with my current neo g9

      • +1

        I have 3 PC's though, I'm assuming this would only support 2? Wendell replied saying I'd be able to use this monitor but would need to replace my dp cables with fibre optic, with compression it can run the higher specs but need to be a crystal clear signal. 🤔

  • +1

    It's Odyssey Neo G95NC or nothing!

    wait a minute!!!!

    The odyssey neo g9 duel uhd 57 is where its at….


    • +2

      Welcome to the club!
      Bought mine on the partner portal on the 26th as they accidentally listed it a day early for $2549.15 and thought it might have been a pricing error too but the order was accepted and this edu deal proves the price is correct.

  • +1

    $2549.15 on Samsung Government portal

  • Wow!! Insane size!

  • Running this monitor at its full resolution with 4:4:4 RGB can only be done with AMD 7000 series at the moment. nVidia 40 series is limited to DP1.4a with DSC, which can't push the 7680x2160 at 240Hz, unless you go 4:2:2 or drop down to 144Hz.

    • Im waiting to see how that works, given the manual says that HDMI ports 2 and 3 support 240hz (maybe at 8 bit or so). Someone at reddit said nvidia needs to provide an update.

    • So as long as I set refresh rate to 144hz, my rtx 3080 could run it?

      • +1

        It supports 120Hz rather than 144, so you could run it at 120Hz with full 10-bit RGB on the 30 series

        • Id be lucky pushing more than 120 anyway so I think I can live with it if that's the only limitation.

  • -4

    Good price, will prob buy, good thing I picked AMD and not nshitia no amount of wank tech going to pumb half 8k lol. And before someone shills that they an AI wizard AMD rocm is coming fast ;) supported on 7900xtx.

    I did find it funny on sammy site specs 1394.6112 x 392.2344 mm going to 4 decimal places haha wot??

    • +1

      The salt of all the negs lol guess those ppl wont want questions answered when it arrives on Friday

  • 2 Questions:

    1. Does anyone know what the Samsung return process is like, based on other comments probably not great right? My particular KVM setup SHOULD work, but if it doesn't, the monitor will need to go back.

    2. Alternatively… this monitor should run 5120 × 1440 perfectly well, right? I know that sounds like a waste but my eyesight isn't fantastic and after I upscale DPI I lose a lot of PPI anyway. I also know my KVM can drive 5120 × 1440 @ 120Hz without fibre, without compression all day (4:4:4) … (That's good enough for me, 99% productivity)

    • Let me share my experience, bought 2 monitors from Samsung but later realised I only needed one so tried returning the other monitor (unopened) within the first week of purchase.

      There is no way to click a button to initiate return, so you have to go through their live chat or email them. Their live chat has gotten better over the past few years but still not quiet simple.

      Once I got through they said they'd send me an email with return process, that took them 2 months, after than the collection company kept calling me to book a pickup when I let them know after 2 months that it was not necessary. This continued for another month or so.

      So just be sure you know what you're getting, and I don't think you can return open items.

      • Thanks for sharing, I'd be needing to open it so that answers question 1.

        And as for question 2, I see no reason this monitor wouldn't run 5120 × 1440 @ 120Hz (that's a perfect downscale from 7680 x 2160, equal to all the 49" monitors and the refresh rate too is a perfect step down) so for my needs it sounds like it still ticks the boxes.

        Jump in anyone if I'm oversimplified anything there.

        • It's not an integer downscale and will look like arse. Better get the DQHD model 8f you want to run that resolution.

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