Could you please share your most favourite car freshner. My car does not smell bad, but want to give it always a welcoming freshness smell whenever I enter to my car.
Good Car-Freshener Recommendation

Last edited 25/08/2023 - 15:45 by 1 other user
Thank you, I did not know that Ikea have such stuffs. Definitely I will try them out.
I haven't tried it, but keep meaning to, is to buy a couple of fabric softeners in the sachets and place them in the car under the seats, or rear door bottle holders etc.
Apparently they work really well and last for ages. Pick your favourite fragrance.
Thank you, will check this out.
The smell would be great but the thought of a fabric softener sachet exploding on my carpets is enough to make me consider something else.
Why would it explode if you took care with it's placement?
Kids/passengers stepping on them, the sachet getting wedged/trapped somewhere with acceleration/cornering/adjustment of a seat or other items crushing it, summer heat weakening the plastic packaging over time to the point it becomes very brittle, etc.
I limit the acceptable fluids in my car's cabin to water for a reason. I don't really want to have packs of very viscous, pungent fabric softener just sitting there being forgotten about until a 5-year old jumps in the back seats and starts playing footsies with the squishy thing under the seat in front of them.
@MS Paint: I think hotboxing yourself with Fluffy/Cuddly on a hot summer's day would probably get nauseating after a while. Too much of a good thing.
My favourite scent is actually new car smell, I found the right mix of interior cleaners/leather conditioners to preserve it (along with being OCD) and now if I get into a car that doesn't have the new car smell but they've got a strong air freshener scent it's like somebody spraying Febreze to cover up a smelly toilet; it just doesn't feel right.
@Miami Mall Alien: New car smell is actually volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which are emitted as gases from all the chemicals that comprise the various car parts.
I wasn't able to drive either of our new cars for weeks until I got rid of the smell.
I notice that there are now car fresheners that have new car smell as a fragrance - dunno how well they replicate it.
@[Deactivated]: Yeah but that's a bit of a moot point since masking the smell doesn't eliminate it.
And most air fresheners emit toxins/particulates/airborne irritants aside from simple reed diffusers with natural oils, so they're only adding to the problem.
Everything containing plastics, painted surfaces or hydrocarbon products of any kind off-gasses VOCs at typical ambient temperatures, whether it's in homes, cars or other man-made environments so it's not like you can eliminate the problem just by masking the smell. The car industry as far as I'm aware, cares little about VOCs in their products unlike the construction industry where it's at least become a recognised problem in the last 5 or so years but it's still barely addressed in any meaningful way due to the increased costs it would require to mitigate.
I for one, welcome our new VOC overlords and their intoxicating aroma.
Dryer sheets are another option when the back seat drivers are on board. I think they're OK to place under the seats.
I read somewhere about using fabric softener in a sachet and tried it.
Didn't work at all. 🙁Saved me $3. Cheers
@[Deactivated]: For that price I'm back in the game. I'll pick one up next week when I'm doing the fortnightly Aldi shop.
You can smell it through the packaging?
Whichever one that smells like pizza. Love getting into a car the next day after taking pizzas home.
Try delivering them for a while, Cure you of that quick smart ;)
I could literally smell pizza in my car a couple of months after I stopped delivering for Domino's.
Refresh air freshener and odour elimination gel. Like a California scents but absorbs the bacteria in your car (and don’t think you don’t have any).
On special at southeast clearance centre. Grab a few different flavours and rotate them so you don’t get used to the smell.Bosistos have an aroma mist range that is regularly 1/2 price at CW - choose the scent that most appeals but avoid sleep inducing oils such as lavender, etc. You can also spray it onto a porous stone for a slower release; same with essential oil drops.
Plus A/C flush at least once a year.
A box of Aldi laundry detergent in your boot. Bonus is you'll be able to find it in a 1000 car carpark, in the dark or blindfolded
keep a $20 bottle of nautica voyage in the car.
Probably better in your boat.
Boat has a Tom Ford. Cheapie for the car is preferred.
Classy.i like it.
I hate new car smell (gave me migraines) and I found the coconut air freshener and odour eliminator spray from super cheap was the best for lowering the overpowering glue smell. They have several scents (including fake new car smell) and also great around the house- I use it in the laundry with the cat litter. I just give it a little spray when I wash the car.
I also have a vanilla ambipur vent mount air freshener on the lowest setting. It gives just a little sweetness when the heater is on the top vent (which isn't all that often) that is not overpowering and works well with the coconut.
Can't go past everyone's favourite, the classic Black Ice Little Trees…
That little bag of fabric softener worked for me for years, subtle but there. Make a point of changing it with daylight savings when you change clocks and replace smoke alarm batteries… i never had one degrade, it's out of the sun under the seat.
Allowing fresh air inside at every chance is always best (+ cheapest option).
+++ if during winter - then 1 of those things that soak up moisture from the air (many on the market - forget the brand name).Aside from that if you are REALLY REALLY trying to go for (a smell which some find off-putting) … then of course you have cheap the air fresheners mentioned above … but that says "cheap/nasty",
Other options …
autofresh - vanilla essence == sold in 20L drums … we use it at work all the time.
last time I got my car serviced .. they gave me a little spray bottle (containing vanilla essance) as well.
That cardboard pine smelling tree hanging off your mirror. Classic.
You could stash some of these around your car… there is other fragrance too, and the little things pop out so you can put one under each seat or whatever.