Hi Guys
I am doing a bit of research and want an opinion poll on where most of the people go to change/recycle their Car/Truck/lawn Mower etc batteries. I need to make a business decision and I need to know the Voice of the customer in this regard. As per research so far people usually get their vehicles jumpstart from RACV and then change the batteries from the battery shops as RACV prices and usually higher.
Your few seconds will help me make an informed decision.
Shouldn't really be basing your business decisions on random unverified polls, but it's quite simple:
1) Find battery model number required
2) Find cheapest price for model NS70LX right now
2.5) Maybe consider different warranty lengths if applicable (e.g. pay bit more for extra year warranty)
3) Find most convenient outlet that sells it for that price
4) Purchase and install.
There's no need to have any allegiance with any particular shop or provider. Whichever offers cheapest/most convenient for the item you need at the time you need it. Job done.